#### Advanced and highly scalable boilerplate for building Flutter App - Mobx, Dio, GetIt and GoRoute.
Flutter is an excellent framework for building cross-platform native applications. But there are only a handful of frameworks available online to get going and I found most of them lack advanced features.
- Mobx for state management (https://pub.dev/packages/mobx)
- Dio for fetching APIs (https://pub.dev/packages/dio)
- GetIt/Injectable for Dependecy Injection (DI) (https://pub.dev/packages/get_It and https://pub.dev/packages/injectable)
- Authentication flow
- Localization via via https://pub.dev/packages/easy_localization
- Theme manager
$ git clone https://github.com/MuhammedKpln/flutter-boilerplate.git
$ cd flutter-boilerplate
$ flutter create .
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter pub upgrade
This boilerplate uses code generation tools to automatically generate code during the hot reload workflow, and while building an Application.
$ flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Licensed under the MIT Lisence