Currently exploring backend, devops and genai stuff.
Repos I'm currently working on:
- chronotable: Hash table with AOF persistence and version based snapshotting.
Actively Committed Repos(since last month):
- chronotable: Hash table with AOF persistence and version based snapshotting.
- multi-file-collab: multi file collaboration server using redis kv store for room management, redis pub/sub for scaling websockets, bullmq queue and workers for flushing realtime code state to db.
- cron-latest-repos: cron job to list out the repositories in your github profile through github workflow, on which you have committed in the last 24 hrs
- vulcan: simple scaffolding tool in go
- vectorshift-assignment: FastAPI Hubspot, Notion, Airtable OAuth Integration
Open Source Contributions:
Check out my blogs here.