Just a simple nice, looking profile page with Matrix style scrolling text in the background.
The script is stolen from a random place online and is not very performant. I tried to tweak it a bit and ended up just making it a bit slower and smaller, but at least it wont make your computer too hot and not crash your phone.
You can find it at: https://www.oskarlindgren.se/matrix/
Make sure you have Deno installed, which is used for the local dev build.
# Shell (Mac, Linux)
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh
export DENO_INSTALL="/$HOME/.deno"
You will also need Deno file_server for the local dev http server.
deno install --allow-net --allow-read https://deno.land/std@0.94.0/http/file_server.ts
Make sure you set environment variable BASE_URL
if you are deplying to a subroute.
E.g. If you are supposed to reach this website under: https://www.oskarlindgren.se/matrix/
Then you need to set BASE_URL=/matrix