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Add scipy solver, move the main functionality to data
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MrGranddy committed Jul 19, 2023
1 parent 11a1399 commit 14b7af0
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,065 additions and 275 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions monai/data/
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Expand Up @@ -150,3 +150,5 @@ def reduce_meta_tensor(meta_tensor):
return _rebuild_meta, (type(meta_tensor), storage, dtype, metadata)

ForkingPickler.register(MetaTensor, reduce_meta_tensor)

from .ultrasound_confidence_map import UltrasoundConfidenceMap
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions monai/data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from monai.utils import min_version, optional_import

__all__ = ["UltrasoundConfidenceMap"]

cv2, _ = optional_import("cv2")
Oct2Py, _ = optional_import("oct2py", "5.6.0", min_version, "Oct2Py")
csc_matrix, _ = optional_import("scipy.sparse", "1.7.1", min_version, "csc_matrix")
spsolve, _ = optional_import("scipy.sparse.linalg", "1.7.1", min_version, "spsolve")
hilbert, _ = optional_import("scipy.signal", "1.7.1", min_version, "hilbert")

class UltrasoundConfidenceMap:
"""Compute confidence map from an ultrasound image.
This transform uses the method introduced by Karamalis et al. in
It generates a confidence map by setting source and sink points in the image and computing the probability
for random walks to reach the source for each pixel.
alpha (float, optional): Alpha parameter. Defaults to 2.0.
beta (float, optional): Beta parameter. Defaults to 90.0.
gamma (float, optional): Gamma parameter. Defaults to 0.05.
mode (str, optional): 'RF' or 'B' mode data. Defaults to 'B'.
sink_mode (str, optional): Sink mode. Defaults to 'all'. If 'mask' is selected, a mask must be when calling the transform.

def __init__(
alpha: float = 2.0,
beta: float = 90.0,
gamma: float = 0.05,
mode: Literal["RF", "B"] = "B",
sink_mode: Literal["all", "mid", "min", "mask"] = "all",
backend: Literal["scipy", "octave"] = "scipy",

# The hyperparameters for confidence map estimation
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.gamma = gamma
self.mode = mode
self.sink_mode = sink_mode
self.backend = backend

# The precision to use for all computations
self.eps = np.finfo("float64").eps

# Store sink indices for external use
self._sink_indices = np.array([], dtype="float64")

if self.backend == "octave":
# Octave instance for computing the confidence map
self.oc = Oct2Py()

def sub2ind(self, size: Tuple[int], rows: np.ndarray, cols: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Converts row and column subscripts into linear indices,
basically the copy of the MATLAB function of the same name.
This function is Pythonic so the indices start at 0.
size Tuple[int]: Size of the matrix
rows (np.ndarray): Row indices
cols (np.ndarray): Column indices
indices (np.ndarray): 1-D array of linear indices
indices = rows + cols * size[0]
return indices

def get_seed_and_labels(
self, data: np.ndarray, sink_mode: str = "all", sink_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Get the seed and label arrays for the max-flow algorithm
data: Input array
sink_mode (str, optional): Sink mode. Defaults to 'all'.
sink_mask (np.ndarray, optional): Sink mask. Defaults to None.
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Seed and label arrays

# Seeds and labels (boundary conditions)
seeds = np.array([], dtype="float64")
labels = np.array([], dtype="float64")

# Indices for all columns
sc = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype="float64")

# SOURCE ELEMENTS - 1st matrix row
# Indices for 1st row, it will be broadcasted with sc
sr_up = np.array([0])
seed = self.sub2ind(data.shape, sr_up, sc).astype("float64")
seed = np.unique(seed)
seeds = np.concatenate((seeds, seed))

# Label 1
label = np.ones_like(seed)
labels = np.concatenate((labels, label))

# Create seeds for sink elements

if sink_mode == "all":
# All elements in the last row
sr_down = np.ones_like(sc) * (data.shape[0] - 1)
self._sink_indices = np.array([sr_down, sc], dtype="int32")
seed = self.sub2ind(data.shape, sr_down, sc).astype("float64")

elif sink_mode == "mid":
# Middle element in the last row
sc_down = np.array([data.shape[1] // 2])
sr_down = np.ones_like(sc_down) * (data.shape[0] - 1)
self._sink_indices = np.array([sr_down, sc_down], dtype="int32")
seed = self.sub2ind(data.shape, sr_down, sc_down).astype("float64")

elif sink_mode == "min":
# Minimum element in the last row (excluding 10% from the edges)
ten_percent = int(data.shape[1] * 0.1)
min_val = np.min(data[-1, ten_percent:-ten_percent])
min_idxs = np.where(data[-1, ten_percent:-ten_percent] == min_val)[0] + ten_percent
sc_down = min_idxs
sr_down = np.ones_like(sc_down) * (data.shape[0] - 1)
self._sink_indices = np.array([sr_down, sc_down], dtype="int32")
seed = self.sub2ind(data.shape, sr_down, sc_down).astype("float64")

elif sink_mode == "mask":
# All elements in the mask
coords = np.where(sink_mask != 0)
sr_down = coords[0]
sc_down = coords[1]
self._sink_indices = np.array([sr_down, sc_down], dtype="int32")
seed = self.sub2ind(data.shape, sr_down, sc_down).astype("float64")

seed = np.unique(seed)
seeds = np.concatenate((seeds, seed))

# Label 2
label = np.ones_like(seed) * 2
labels = np.concatenate((labels, label))

return seeds, labels

def normalize(self, inp: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Normalize an array to [0, 1]"""
return (inp - np.min(inp)) / (np.ptp(inp) + self.eps)

def attenuation_weighting(self, A: np.ndarray, alpha: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute attenuation weighting
A (np.ndarray): Image
alpha: Attenuation coefficient (see publication)
W (np.ndarray): Weighting expressing depth-dependent attenuation

# Create depth vector and repeat it for each column
Dw = np.linspace(0, 1, A.shape[0], dtype="float64")
Dw = np.tile(Dw.reshape(-1, 1), (1, A.shape[1]))

W = 1.0 - np.exp(-alpha * Dw) # Compute exp inline

return W

def confidence_laplacian(
self, P: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, beta: float, gamma: float
) -> csc_matrix: # type: ignore
"""Compute 6-Connected Laplacian for confidence estimation problem
P (np.ndarray): The index matrix of the image with boundary padding.
A (np.ndarray): The padded image.
beta (float): Random walks parameter that defines the sensitivity of the Gaussian weighting function.
gamma (float): Horizontal penalty factor that adjusts the weight of horizontal edges in the Laplacian.
L (csc_matrix): The 6-connected Laplacian matrix used for confidence map estimation.

m, _ = P.shape

P = P.T.flatten()
A = A.T.flatten()

p = np.where(P > 0)[0]

i = P[p] - 1 # Index vector
j = P[p] - 1 # Index vector
# Entries vector, initially for diagonal
s = np.zeros_like(p, dtype="float64")

vl = 0 # Vertical edges length

edge_templates = [
-1, # Vertical edges
m - 1, # Diagonal edges
m + 1,
-m - 1,
-m + 1,
m, # Horizontal edges

vertical_end = None
diagonal_end = None

for iter_idx, k in enumerate(edge_templates):

Q = P[p + k]

q = np.where(Q > 0)[0]

ii = P[p[q]] - 1
i = np.concatenate((i, ii))
jj = Q[q] - 1
j = np.concatenate((j, jj))
W = np.abs(A[p[ii]] - A[p[jj]]) # Intensity derived weight
s = np.concatenate((s, W))

if iter_idx == 1:
vertical_end = s.shape[0] # Vertical edges length
elif iter_idx == 5:
diagonal_end = s.shape[0] # Diagonal edges length

# Normalize weights
s = self.normalize(s)

# Horizontal penalty
s[:vertical_end] += gamma
# s[vertical_end:diagonal_end] += gamma * np.sqrt(2) # --> In the paper it is sqrt(2) since the diagonal edges are longer yet does not exist in the original code

# Normalize differences
s = self.normalize(s)

# Gaussian weighting function
s = -(
(np.exp(-beta * s, dtype="float64")) + 1.0e-6
) # --> This epsilon changes results drastically default: 1.e-6

# Create Laplacian, diagonal missing
L = csc_matrix((s, (i, j)))

# Reset diagonal weights to zero for summing
# up the weighted edge degree in the next step

# Weighted edge degree
D = np.abs(L.sum(axis=0).A)[0]

# Finalize Laplacian by completing the diagonal

return L

def _solve_linear_system(self, D, rhs, tol=1.0e-8, mode="scipy"):

if mode == "scipy":
X = spsolve(D, rhs)

elif mode == "octave":
X = self.oc.mldivide(D, rhs)[:, 0]

return X

def confidence_estimation(self, A, seeds, labels, beta, gamma, backend):
"""Compute confidence map
A (np.ndarray): Processed image.
seeds (np.ndarray): Seeds for the random walks framework. These are indices of the source and sink nodes.
labels (np.ndarray): Labels for the random walks framework. These represent the classes or groups of the seeds.
beta: Random walks parameter that defines the sensitivity of the Gaussian weighting function.
gamma: Horizontal penalty factor that adjusts the weight of horizontal edges in the Laplacian.
map: Confidence map which shows the probability of each pixel belonging to the source or sink group.

# Index matrix with boundary padding
G = np.arange(1, A.shape[0] * A.shape[1] + 1).reshape(A.shape[1], A.shape[0]).T
pad = 1

G = np.pad(G, (pad, pad), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0))
B = np.pad(A, (pad, pad), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0))

# Laplacian
D = self.confidence_laplacian(G, B, beta, gamma)

# Select marked columns from Laplacian to create L_M and B^T
B = D[:, seeds]

# Select marked nodes to create B^T
N = np.sum(G > 0).item()
i_U = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(N), seeds.astype(int)) # Index of unmarked nodes
B = B[i_U, :]

# Remove marked nodes from Laplacian by deleting rows and cols
keep_indices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(D.shape[0]), seeds)
D = csc_matrix(D[keep_indices, :][:, keep_indices])

# Define M matrix
M = np.zeros((seeds.shape[0], 1), dtype="float64")
M[:, 0] = labels == 1

# Right-handside (-B^T*M)
rhs = -B @ M # type: ignore

# Solve linear system
x = self._solve_linear_system(D, rhs, tol=1.0e-3, mode=backend)

# Prepare output
probabilities = np.zeros((N,), dtype="float64")
# Probabilities for unmarked nodes
probabilities[i_U] = x
# Max probability for marked node
probabilities[seeds[labels == 1].astype(int)] = 1.0

# Final reshape with same size as input image (no padding)
probabilities = probabilities.reshape((A.shape[1], A.shape[0])).T

return probabilities

def __call__(self, data: np.ndarray, sink_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Compute the confidence map
data (np.ndarray): RF ultrasound data (one scanline per column)
map (np.ndarray): Confidence map

# Normalize data
data = data.astype("float64")
data = self.normalize(data)

if self.mode == "RF":
# MATLAB hilbert applies the Hilbert transform to columns
data = np.abs(hilbert(data, axis=0)).astype("float64") # type: ignore

seeds, labels = self.get_seed_and_labels(data, self.sink_mode, sink_mask)

# Attenuation with Beer-Lambert
W = self.attenuation_weighting(data, self.alpha)

# Apply weighting directly to image
# Same as applying it individually during the formation of the
# Laplacian
data = data * W

# Find condidence values
map_ = self.confidence_estimation(data, seeds, labels, self.beta, self.gamma, self.backend)

return map_
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions monai/transforms/
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Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
from .intensity.dictionary import (
Expand Down

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