Flask App to consume a Machine Learning model and classify between offensive and no offensive language by writing a sentence.
You can either use virtual environments or Docker containers:
- Creation of a virtual environments done by executing the command venv
- Command to activate virtual environment
- Install dependencies
- List the libraries installed on your environment
- Do your work!
- When you are done, the command to deactivate virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv env/
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env) $ pip freeze
(env) $ ...
(env) $ deactivate
Build image with Docker Compose using the Makefile's command:
$ make build
Run the image to start the mongo and web containers:
$ make run
- Mouad Boulahdoud
- Hassan Ait Baha
This project sponsored by tea 🥃 & msemen 🧇.