Did you read the guide?
What is the base version number of Motion being used?
What was the install method?
Built from source code
What is base architecture?
What is the distro being used?
Disto version number
DietPi Bookworm
Camera type(s) being used?
v4l2 USB camera
Describe the issue/problem and steps to reproduce
Selecting a H.264/V4L2M2M codec in order to get advantage of hardware acceleration fails :
"ffmpeg_set_codec: Could not open codec Invalid argument"
ffmpeg version 5.1.4-0+rpt1+deb12u1 (dietpi distro)
Motion log output at log_level 8
Please patch with the equivalent of the motionplus project "commit ef3b424" in ffmpeg.c :
if (movie->preferred_codec == USER_CODEC_V4L2M2M) {
movie->ctx_codec->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_NV21;
} else {
movie->ctx_codec->pix_fmt = MY_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
movie->ctx_codec->pix_fmt = MY_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
if (movie->preferred_codec == USER_CODEC_V4L2M2M) {
movie_put_pix_nv21(movie, img_data);
} else {
movie_put_pix_yuv420(movie, img_data);
movie_put_pix_yuv420(movie, img_data);
It works OK after the patch.