What's Sila? An introduction to Sila Group.
Sila is a large football tournament collection that provides many possibilities for football guess tournaments.
Every match needs an information database so that the members of the league can easily access the information related to the tournament, including the scoreboard and upcoming matches.
This website fulfills the high demand in Sila complex.
Sila website is an site for your football information league
First clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/MostafaMotahari/Sila-Website.git
Go to repo directory, make a virtual environment and then install the dependencies:
cd Sila-Website
pip install -r requirements
In production, use below command to collect all static files:
python manage.py collectstatic
Now you can easily start the webserver and see the result in https://localhost:8000
python manage.py runserver
- Dockerize project