Fix | Description |
MMEAN | Monthly Average |
PY | Polygon-level averages |
SI | Site-level averages |
PA | Patch-level averages |
CO | Cohort-level averages |
Column Name | ED Name | Long Name | Unit | Notes |
tair | MMEAN_ATM_TEMP_PY | Air Temperature | K | |
precipf | MMEAN_PCPG_PY | Precipitation | kg/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
lwdown | MMEAN_ATM_RLONG_PY | Longwave radiation: Atmosphere | W/m2 | |
swdown | MMEAN_ATM_RSHORT_PY | Shortwave radiation: Atmosphere | W/m2 | |
qair | MMEAN_ATM_SHV_PY | Specific humidity: Atmosphere | kg/kg | |
psurf | MMEAN_ATM_PRSS_PY | Air pressure: Atmosphere | Pa | |
wind | MMEAN_ATM_VELS_PY | Wind speed: Atmosphere | m/s | |
CO2 | MMEAN_ATM_CO2_PY | CO2 mixing ratio: Atmosphere | umol/mol | |
basal.area.tree | BASAL_AREA_PY | Basal area | cm2/m2 | Trees only |
density.tree | NPLANT_PY | Trees density | plants/m2 | Trees only |
agb | AGB_PY | Above-Ground biomass | kgC/m2 | |
gpp | MMEAN_GPP_PY | Gross primary productivity | kgC/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
npp | MMEAN_NPP_PY | Net primary productivity | kgC/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
nee | MMEAN_NEP_PY | Net Ecosystem productivity | kgC/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
cwd | MMEAN_CWD_C_PY | Coarse woody debris | kgC/m2 | | | MMEAN_FAST_SOIL_C_PY | Soil Carbon (Fast pool) | kgC/m2 | |
soil.c.slow | MMEAN_SLOW_SOIL_C_PY | Soil Carbon (Slow pool) | kgC/m2 | |
soil.c.struc | MMEAN_STRUCT_SOIL_C_PY | Soil Carbon (Structural pool) | kgC/m2 | |
albedo.short | MMEAN_ALBEDO_PY | Albedo | --- | |
par.ground | MMEAN_PAR_GND_PY | PAR absorbed by ground | --- | | | MMEEAN_SOIL_WATER_PY | Soil water content: surface | m3/m3 | Pulled out of ED variable |
soil.moist.deep | MMEEAN_SOIL_WATER_PY | Soil water content: deep | m3/m3 | Pulled out of ED variable | | MMEAN_SOIL_MSTPOT_PY | Soil matric potential: surface | m | Pulled out of ED variable |
soil.moistpot.deep | MMEAN_SOIL_MSTPOT_PY | Soil matric potential: deep | m | Pulled out of ED variable | | MMEAN_SOIL_TEMP_PY | Soil temperature: surface | K | Pulled out of ED variable |
soil.temp.deep | MMEAN_SOIL_TEMP_PY | Soil temperature: deep | K | Pulled out of ED variable |
runoff.surface | MMEAN_RUNOFF_PY | Water runoff | kg/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to monthse |
runoff.subsurf | MMEAN_DRAINAGE_PY | Water runoff | kg/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
transp | MMEAN_TRANSP_PY | Leaf transpiration | kg/m2/mo | Converted from seconds to months |
snow.depth | MMEAN_SFCW_DEPTH_PY | Depth - temporary water layer | m | |
swe | MMEAN_SFCW_MASS_PY | Water mass - temporary water layer | kg/m2 | |
lai | MMEAN_LAI_PY | leaf area index | m2leaf/m2 | |
height.mean | NA | Mean tree height | m | | | NA | Standard deviation of tree height | m | |
dbh.mean | NA | Mean tree diameter at breast height | cm | | | NA | Standard deviation tree diameter at breast height | cm |
Column Name | ED Name | Long Name | Unit | Notes |
age | AGE | time since last disturbance | Years | |
area.patch | AREA | patch area (relative to the total SITE area) | No metadata available | |
n.cohorts | PACO_N | The number of cohorts in each patch | ---- | | | PACO_ID | The global index of the first cohort in all patches | ---- |
Column Name | ED Name | Long Name | Unit | Notes |
pft | PFT | Plant Functional Type | 5=grass; 9=early hard; 10=mid hard; 11=late hard | |
dbh | DBH | Diameter at Breast Height | cm | |
ba | BA_CO | Basal Area | cm2/tree | |
carbs | CB | Carbon Balance | scale 0 to 1; 1 = not stressed | |
stress | CBR_BAR | Running mean relative carbon balance | scale = -1 to 1 | |
height | HITE | Height | m | |
lai | LAI_CO | Leaf area index | m2leaf/m2 | |
agb | AGB_CO | Above-Ground biomass | kgC/tree | |
dens.pch | NPLANT | plant/m2 | trees/m2 |