1- pip install -r requirements.txt
or pip install Django~=3.1.6
2- python manage.py makemigrations
3- python manage.py migrate
4- python manage.py runserver
- You can sign in or sign up
- Create your teams or projects and add its members from registered users.
- This project is available for members.
- The creator user will be the admin of project or team.
- Admin user can add a task and assign it to members and himself.
- Members can see the start time and end time of a task by clicking on it.
- Members can drag and drop their own tasks to change its status.
- Only admin can add/remove the task to/from "Done", "Blocked" and "Deleted".
- Deadline of tasks will be shown in the calendar.
- Only Admin can drag and drop tasks in the calendar to change its deadline.
- User can see status or all his projects and his status in all projects.