This is a sample react project showing some examples of useReducer hook
Users should be able to:
- start the quiz
- choose an answer and see if its correct
- finish and restart the quiz
- see a timer that shows how much time is left in the quiz after they started
- Solution URL: (
- Live Site URL: (
- CSS custom properties
- JavaScript
- React
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- How to create a useReducer hook and when to use it
- loading from my own json-server (section 191 of ultimate react course)
- Default value for props
- set a timer and returning/cleanup function to stop the clock. creating min and secs for timer
- using the useReducer with a custom hook component
I want to continue to grow my knowledge of React and its many capabilities.
- Website - [Morgan Ero] (
- Ultimate React Course- [Jonas Schmedtmann] UDEMY