Tags: MorZieg/FAST_Calibration
FAST Calibration v2.0 The following changes have been made in FAST Calibration v2.0 compared to the previous release FAST Calibration v1.0. The manual for v1.0 is available as Ziegler (2018). Both versions are available on GitHub. - Additional stress information can now be used for the model calibration and cross checking the quality of the best-fit estimate. This additional information is: - Formation Integrity Tests (FITs) as lower boundary for the stress state - K-ratio and observed failure of fault planes to calibrate SHmax - K-ratio and Regime Stress ratio to test the quality of the modelled stress state - Occurrence of borehole breakouts and drilling induced tensile fractures to check accuracy of the modelled stress state - To accommodate these new methods parts of the original code have been outsourced to functions, such as calibrate.m and model_deviation.m - New functions that are required for the additional methods are: critical_shmax.m, accuracy.m, kratio.m, and solve.m. - The scripts FAST_calibration.m and branch_calibration.m and the structure of the input variables have been changed in order to work with the new and outsourced functions. - The function write_macro.m has been changed in order to accommodate the altered structure of variables. As a result, the structure and output of the Tecplot 360 EX macro has been changed. Files written by write_macro.m function v1.0 cannot be read by FAST Calibration v2.0. - Due to the amount of changes, a compatibility of v1.0 and v2.0 is not provided. It is recommended to use v2.0 only. - FAST Calibration v2.0 is compatible with Matlab 2020a, Tecplot 360 EX 2019 R1, the Tecplot Add-on GeoStress v2.0, and Abaqus 2019.