MonkeyWedge / paw-wars
Forked from snollygolly/paw-wars😺 A spiritual successor to Drugwars, but with cats.
This script gathers the infos necessary for troubleshooting a wireless connection and saves them in a text file, wrapping it in an archive if it exceeds the 19.5 kB size limit for '.txt' attachment…
😱 An experiment in immersive horror through web technologies.
A simple Sails.JS API boilerplate with ACL, JWT auth, and HTML e-mail support baked in
This is a way to get the messages from one slack channel / slack team and post it to another.
🐍 A simple, straightforward Koa (v2) starter with koa-router, koa-bodyparser, and Babel for full ES6+ support. For real, like really just boilerplate server.js stuff.
📓 Custom Git script to compile JSDoc / ngdoc and deploy to gh-pages
A project-starter template which utilizes Grunt, Vitamin CCS, and includes AngularJS and Bootstrap 3
jfeigel / ngCovervid
Forked from scerickson/covervidMake your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this lightweight Angular directive
The WebSocket driven backend for A Boy and His Box
💰 A bot for maximizing the borrow subreddit
🌇 A simulation of a city using isometric tiles
🐨 A starter kit for a slightly opinionated koa project.
😺 A spiritual successor to DrugWars, but with cats.