Have you wondered how amazon recommend items to you ? or netflix recommend content for you , spotify and youtube Here i will summarize things as much as possible .
Recommendation engine a branch of information retrieval and artificial intelligence , are powerful tools and techniques to analyze huge volumes of data , especially product information and user information , and then provide relevant suggestions based on data-mining approaches .
you can find more here : https://medium.com/@mohamedfawzy_44931/recommendation-engine-explained-c5b8642cc0f
- R Language 3.5.x.
- Python 3.4.
- Recommenderlab library for R language.
- Spark 2.
- Docker installed on your host machine
- Jester5k e.g of user ratings distribution in R language:
- MovieLens 100K users rating
- Anonymous Microsoft Web Dataset
- Collaborative Filtering
cd docker
docker compose up
Confirm everything is working correctly by running the following command
docker ps
Then you can enter container with the following command
docker exec -it docker_python-microservice_1 /bin/bash
Your source code under the following path