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some .dll skyrim plugins can escape/ignore usvfs on win11 #2217




The problem:

This problem is known since Dec 2024 as it started affecting wabbajack modlists. .dll completely ignores any mod that "overwrites" it's setting file (.json) and only reads the .json file within mod directory right next to .dll file.
Same behavior for log file. Even if you delete log file - it will not be created in overwrite, but always will be created right next to .dll within mod directory, any mod that "overwrites" this log file is ignored, including "overwrite" directory. If .json file is deleted from mod directory, but an "overwrite" json at the same path is present - it will be ignored and .dll will error out or load default config.

it's not the only .dll affected, but is VERY reliable reproducer. this bug was confirmed by multiple people for multiple wabbajack modlists.

To Reproduce:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have MO2 + Skyrim SE on win11 24H2
  2. Install Scrambled Bugs + requirements
  3. Install a copy of ScrambledBugs.json as a separate mod that virtually "overwrites" the same json file in ScrambledBugs installation directory.
  4. Change some setting so it's different from original json, for example "powerAttackStamina": true, (it's false by default)
  5. Try launching skyrim via skse, up to main menu is fine, close it
  6. check the log file ( it will be in mod install directory next to .dll) it will say "powerAttackStamina": false,
  7. test same on windows 10 - overwriting for log and json works as expected and MO2 redirects reads/writes properly and power attack stamina setting is respected.


  • Mod Organizer Version that exhibits the issue: 2.5.2
  • Last Mod Organizer Version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): N/A
  • Desktop OS/version used to run Mod Organizer: Win 11 24H2

Link to Mod Organizer logs:

USVFS: the only log lines from debug log mentioning ScrambledBugs

sorry I downgraded to win10 and can't reproduce issue anymore, but I can upload log from working instance.

hook_LoadLibraryExW[lpFileName=D:\Modding\VoidRim\root\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ScrambledBugs.dll][reroute.fileName()=D:\Modding\VoidRim\mods\Scrambled Bugs\SKSE\Plugins\ScrambledBugs.dll][res=0x7ffe5fe20000][callContext.lastError()=0]
ntdll_mess_NtCreateFile[inPathW=\??\D:\Modding\VoidRim\mods\Scrambled Bugs\SKSE\Plugins\ScrambledBugs.log][rerouter.fileName()=\??\D:\Modding\VoidRim\mods\Scrambled Bugs\SKSE\Plugins\ScrambledBugs.log][DesiredAccess=40100080][originalDisposition=5][CreateDisposition=5][FileAttributes=80][res=0][*FileHandle=0x490][rerouter.originalError()=0][rerouter.error()=183]

MO Interface:

sorry no log for that, as I downgraded to win10.




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