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BIT 300: Get-Set Mobile Github and Android Studio

GIT basics and Best Practices

  1. Why Git?

    • There are other version control systems. There are a number of Version Control Systems out there. This alone should prove that version control is incredibly important. Examples are Git, Subversion and Mercurial

    • Git is the most popular and an industry standard.

    • It has some advantages over a centralized system, which has a single copy of the code:

      • It's quick to take action on your own copy
      • It works locally, on your own computer, and offline
      • It makes having multiple branches, parallel worlds of code, easier

      git workflow steps

  2. Git Gotchas

    • Git can mean several things - the name of the source control technology, the functionality built into VS Code, the file formats and protocols that underlie the system.
    • It’s both powerful (because it’s open-ended), plentiful (because it’s open source), and sometimes hard to use (because it’s open-ended).
    • It takes practice, it's a learned skill, it's not intuitive - ask other developers about their Git disasters - everyone has a story.

Git Demo Using Git Bash/ Android Studio Terminal

  1. Creating new repo and initial commit. The flow for using git starts with creating a directory (folder). The cycle as changes are made is add and commit. Record your changes in small chunks as you go.

    • Configure your git
      • git config --global "youremail"
      • git config --global "yourname"
    • mkdir SampleApp - create new folder named SampleApp
    • cd SampleApp - move to the project folder
    • git init - initialize the repository
    • touch - create a new file
    • git status - view the repository status
    • git add . - stage the files to commit and tell get what files to track, "." selects all the new files or files with changes
    • git commit -m "New readme file" - add the changes to the repo with the named file, "-m" indicates message included

Demo: Git using Android Studio's VCS menu

  1. Create a new "Empty Activity" project in Android Studio and use the built-in git support (VCS menu). It doesn't have all the commands of Git Bash or the command line but is convenient when working in Android Studio.

  2. Add a TEXT file with a distinctive name (File/New/File)

  3. Use "VCS > Enable Version Control Integration" to initialize a repository - choose "Git" as your VCS

  4. Follow the git workflow

    • View the repository status: using "Git>Commit" from the menu
    • Stage the files to commit: select the file you created from the list (find it in the Unversioned Files list)
    • Commit the changes with a comment: Type a commit message in the box, like "tests commit process in Android Studio" and click "Commit"
  5. Review the effect using the Terminal

    • Open the "Terminal" tab "View > Tool Windows > Terminal"
    • Check out the changes with git log
    • See the difference between git log and git log --oneline

Work with Remote GitHub repositories

use the Canvas document to complete the exercise with a programming partner

  1. The person in your team with a GitHub account should "drive" first
  2. Fork (button in upper-left corner of) THIS GitHub repository to create a new copy in YOUR GitHub account
  3. Open Android Studio; use the menu option "File > New > Project from Version Control" with your GitHub URL
  4. Each person in your group should make at least two commits as shown above; use both the Android Studio terminal and Android Studio VCS to work with Git
  5. Push your changes to GitHub using the Android Studio "Git > PUSH" menu or the terminal command git push

Submission (one per group )

Submit the URL for the updated GitHub repository in Canvas


BIT 300: Get-Set Mobile Github and Android Studio






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