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A JPA extension for Instancio


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What is it?

Instancio-jpa is an extension on top of the Instancio library that enables the creation and population of JPA entities including the subsequent persistence of these entities using JPA for the purpose of test data generation in integration tests. The extension uses the JPA metamodel to yield a persistable object graph. It further provides JPA based utilities that allows for straight forward persistence of the object graph.

Maven coordinates

To use the extension in your tests, include one of the following dependency depending on whether your project uses the javax or the jakarta namespace.


For javax:


For jakarta:


Getting started

The core of the extension is the static jpaModel method that accepts an entity class and a JPA metamodel instance, and returns an org.instancio.Model that is usable with the Instancio APIs.

The extension can be used like this:

EntityManager entityManager = /* Retrieve EntityManager. */;
EntityGraphPersister persister = new EntityGraphPersister(entityManager);
Model<MyEntity> myEntityModel = jpaModel(MyEntity.class, em.getMetamodel()).build();
// Use normal Instancio API in next line to shape how the objects are populated.
MyEntity myEntity = Instancio.of(myEntityModel).create();
// Persist the created object graph using the provided EntityGraphPersister.

Instancio compatibility

No compatibility testing between releases of Instancio and instancio-jpa are currently performed. Users are recommended to stick to the Instancio dependency version as declared in the root pom.xml of instancio-jpa for a particular instance-jpa release.


Just like Instancio, instancio-jpa supports programmatic and properties file based configuration.

For the programmatic configuration combine Instancio native settings with instancio-jpa configuration keys:

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, entityManager.getMetamodel()).withSettings(Settings.defaults()
        .set(Keys.ASSIGNMENT_TYPE, AssignmentType.METHOD)
        .set(JpaKeys.USE_JPA_NULLABILITY, false))
Cat cat = Instancio.of(catModel);

For the properties file based configuration, add instancio-jpa specific configuration keys to the standard


See com.mobecker.instancio.jpa.setting.JpaKeys for available configurations.


Overriding Instancio nullability

By default, instancio-jpa configures Instancio model fields to be nullable according to the JPA metamodel. That means if an entity attribute is nullable / optional the Instancio model will also regard it as nullable and the field will occasionally be null.

Instancio currently does not allow to override the nullability of fields defined by the model.


public class Cat {
    private Long id;
    private String name; // nullable
    // getters and setters skipped

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, jpaMetamodel).build();
Cat cat = Instancio.of(catModel)
    .set(fields(Cat::getName), "harry")
// cat.getName() may still be null!

In above example, even though set(fields(Cat::getName), "harry") is used to set the name field to a constant non-null value, Instancio will still set the field to null at times. This is because the field has been marked as nullable by the jpaModel method.

As a workaround you can set the configuration option USE_JPA_NULLABILITY to false:

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, jpaMetamodel)
    .withSettings(Settings.defaults().set(JpaKeys.USE_JPA_NULLABILITY, false))

Interoperability with Instancio's bean validation support

Instancio has experimental support for bean validation. While it is possible to enable Instancio's bean validation support users must be aware that the org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.GeneratorProviders contributed by instancio-jpa will take precedence over Instancio's bean validation handling. This can result in bean validation annotations not being considered by Instancio in certain situations. For example:

public class Cat {
    private Long id;
    @Size(min = 8, max = 50)
    @Column(length = 50)
    private String name;

In above example the column length handling of instancio-jpa will take precedence and the @Size annotation will be disregarded. This can result in names being generated that are shorter than 8 characters. Users may use the following workarounds in these situations:

  • Provide a custom org.instancio.spi.InstancioServiceProvider.GeneratorProvider to override instancio-jpa and to manually generated valid values for a property.

  • Use the jpa.generatorProviderExclusions configuration key supported by instancio-jpa to exclude a specific properties from being handled by instancio-jpa.


Using Instancio onComplete callbacks

Instancio-jpa uses Instancio's onComplete callback in combination with the org.instancio.Select.root() TargetSelector as a hook to add custom logic. Since Instancio can only register a single onComplete callback per TargetSelector at the moment the use of Instancio's native onComplete callbacks for the org.instancio.Select.root() TargetSelector in combination with instancio-jpa is not supported.

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, jpaMetamodel).build();
Cat cat = Instancio.of(catModel)
    .onComplete(root(), cat -> /* do some cat action */) // This is currently not supported!

As a workaround you can register an onComplete callback on the builder returned by the jpaModel method.

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, jpaMetamodel)
    .onComplete(cat -> /* do some cat action */) // This works
Cat cat = Instancio.of(catModel)

Using Instancio maxDepth

Instancio-jpa's jpaModel builder provides a way to manually specify the maxDepth of the entity graph that will be generated.

Model<Cat> catModel = jpaModel(Cat.class, jpaMetamodel).withMaxDepth(4).build();

If no maxDepth is specified instancio-jpa will attempt to detect the minimum depth required to yield a persistable entity graph and will use this value as maxDepth.

While this API is similar to Instancio's withMaxDepth it must not be confused. The usage of Instancio's native withMaxDepth in conjunction with instancio-jpa is not supported. In consequence this means that overriding the maxDepth from an instancio-jpa created Instancio org.instancio.Model is also not supported.

Correctness of the JPA metamodel

The JPA metamodel implementation of Hibernate turns out to be buggy and indeterministic when it comes to the nullability of fields in mapped superclasses and embeddables. Therefore, the current version of instancio-jpa ignores the provided nullability information in these contexts. This leads to non-minimal object graphs being created in such cases.

Supported JPA providers

Instancio-jpa is tested with Hibernate 5.6.x and Hibernate 6.2.x. However, there are no provider specific dependencies, and therefore it might also work with other providers.


Feedback and bug reports are greatly appreciated. Please submit an issue to report a bug, or if you have a question or a suggestion.


A JPA extension for Instancio



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