This is an Open source C# libraries compatible with VISA.NET and Yokogawa's TMCTL. This software is developed for training and research.
- VXI-11 client & server.
- HiSLIP client & server.
- RawSokcet client & server.
- Program run on a Windows and Linux.
- Mm.Ivi.Visa supports functions of VISA.Net.
- visa32.dll (windows only).
- Mm.TmctlAPINet supports functions of TmctlAPINet.
- tmctl.dll (windows only).
- Protocol server program: Server.exe
- API Capture untility: IOTrace.exe
- .Net library : Ivi.Visa.dll, TmctlAPINet.dll
- VXI-11 server test program : Server.exe
- VXI-11 client test program : Client.exe
- Windows C library : visa32.dll, tmctl.dll, tmctl64.dll
- API Caputure tool:IOTrace.exe
- Windows and Linux(WSL2)
- .NET 6.
- Server.exe, Client.exe, Ivi.Visa.dll, TmctlAPINet.dll
- .NET 6 SDK 6.0.408.
- C# 10.0
- .NET 6 SDK 6.0.408.
- visa32.dll
- tmctl.dll, tmctl64.dll
- .NET Framework 3.0
- C# 3.0
- DllExport
- .NET Framework 3.0
- Visual Studio 2022 Community
- Execute the Server.exe.
- Start VXI-11 server.
- Execute the Client.exe.
- Input destination IP address.
- Input a command stirng.
- On the Server.exe.
- Received messsage will be displayed.
- Input a response string.
- On the Client.exe.
- Received messsage will be displayed.
- You can use Wireshark to see real VXI-11 communication.
- TCP/IP Instrument Protocol Specification VXI-11 Revision 1.0
- VPP-4.3.6:VISA Implementation Specification for .NET
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0