Zadatak: Izrada funkcionalnosti „ping“-a sa unaprijeđenim funkcionalnostima, program je namijenjen za testiranje rada IP mreže i određivanje RTT (Round Trip Time)Application
Usage: tcping [-c] [-p] [-port <port>] [-bind <ip_address>] [-mps <rate>] [-size <size>] hostname
-c Run in Catcher mode.
-p Run in Pitcher mode.
-port <port> TCP socket port used for connection. Used in both Catcher and Pitcher mode.
-bind <ip_address> IP address to listen on. Used in Catcher mode.
-mps <rate> Speed of sending messaged "messages per second".Default 1. Used in Pitcher mode.
-size <size> Size of message in bytes Min: 50, Max: 3000, Default: 300. Used in Pitcher mode.
hostname Computer name where Catcher is running. Used in Pitcher mode.
Example of catcher
tcping -c -port 5001 -bind
Example for pitcher
tcping -p -port 5001 -mps 150 -size 1000 localhost