This is a Haskell implementation of an inference algorithm for the type system by Baillot and Ghyselen for parallel complexity of the pi-calculus (see The implementation is capable of inferring bounds of some linear time processes and many constant time processes. The algorithm is constraint-based and as such generates constraints that we solve using the Z3 theorem prover. The project uses Stack as a build tool for Haskell.
Before building the project, the Z3 theorem prover must be installed. The implementation has been verified to work with version 4.8.12 of Z3. On Windows systems, ensure that the z3 executable is visible in PATH.
- Ensure first that the header files and library files are visible to Stack. On Windows systems this can be ensured by creating a folder named "z3-4.8.12" with subfolders "bin" and "include" containing the library and headers files, respectively.
- Install the parser generator Happy
- Build the project using
stack build
Calling the executable with a filename runs the inference algorithm on the specified file.
infer program.pi
or through stack:
stack run program.pi
Running the above with the following file program.pi present infers a correct complexity of 10.
new seq in (
*seq?(n, r).match n
zero -> r!();
succ(x) -> new rp in
( tick.seq!(x,rp) | rp?().r!() )
| (new r in ( seq!(10, r) | r?() ))