Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications with TypeScript/JavaScript 🚀
TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
The Free Software Media System - Server Backend & API
⚡️ Minimal H(TTP) framework built for high performance and portability
A JSON based anime dataset containing the most important meta data as well as cross references to various anime sites such as MAL, ANIDB, ANILIST, KITSU and more...
一站式在线弹幕追番平台:聚合数据源与弹幕,Bangumi 追番进度管理,BitTorrent,缓存... 100% Compose Multiplatform
MDC supercharges regular Markdown to write documents interacting deeply with any Vue component.
The library provides the out of box accessing to MediaWiki API in both browsers & Node.js, and the syntax is very similar to vanilla `new mw.Api()`. TypeScript definition included~
MediaWiki API and WikiData client written in Node.js
🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. Mirror from See for contributing.
An elegant calendar and datepicker plugin for Vue.
🚀 Improve the Developer Experience of console
Vue JSX plugin for both Vue 2 and 3. Support Rollup, Vite, esbuild, Webpack, and more.
A universal bundler plugin which replaces targeted strings in files.
Transform file to a default-export string.
Compile Markdown to Vue component
🚇 Tunnel your local HTTP(s) server to the world! powered by Cloudflare Quick Tunnels.
💾 Unstorage provides an async Key-Value storage API with conventional features like multi driver mounting, watching and working with metadata, dozens of built-in drivers and a tiny core.