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libb64-2: RFC4648 Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines

libb64-2 is a header library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data
into and from a base64-encoded format. C++ wrappers are included, as well as
the source code for standalone encoding and decoding executables.

base64 consists of ASCII text, and is therefore a useful encoding for storing 
binary data in a text file, such as xml, or sending binary data over text-only

* Wikipedia article:
* base64, another implementation of a commandline en/decoder:

[by libb64 author Chris Venter]
I did this because I need an implementation of base64 encoding and decoding,
without any licensing problems. Most OS implementations are released under
either the GNU/GPL, or a BSD-variant, which is not what I require.

Also, the chance to actually use the co-routine implementation in code is rare,
and its use here is fitting. I couldn't pass up the chance.
For more information on this technique, see "Coroutines in C", by Simon Tatham,
which can be found online here:

base64 Commandline Use:
There is a new executable available, it is simply called base64.
It can encode and decode files, as instructed by the user.

To encode a file:
$ ./base64 -e filea fileb
fileb will now be the base64-encoded version of filea.

To decode a file:
$ ./base64 -d fileb filec
filec will now be identical to filea.

The header library is written in C.  Simply include cencode.h and cdecode.h
in your C sources to get started.  The libary does not allocate memory.  You
provide the input and output buffers as pointers to char.  Remember that
Base64 encodes n octects in 4n/3 chars.

C++ wrappers are provided as well, so you don't have to get your hands
dirty. Encoding from standard input to standard output is as simple as

	#include <b64/encode.hpp>
	#include <iostream>
	int main()
		base64::encoder E;
		E.encode(std::cin, std::cout);
		return 0;

The encode method takes any istream and ostream, and uses the get() and put()
methods to read/write each octet.
The standalone executable, base64, demonstrates the use of the header library
found in include/b64.  The header library does not require linking, simply
include the encoder or decoder headers wherever you need them.  Include the .h
files in C code and the .hpp files in C++.  The .hpp files pull in the C headers
for you, too.

[by libb64 author Chris Venter]
It is DAMN fast, if I may say so myself. The C code uses a little trick which
has been used to implement coroutines, of which one can say that this
implementation is an example.

(To see how the libb64 codebase compares with some other BASE64 implementations
available, see the BENCHMARKS file)

The trick involves the fact that a switch-statement may legally cross into
sub-blocks. A very thorough and enlightening essay on co-routines in C, using
this method, can be found in the above mentioned "Coroutines in C", by Simon

For example, an RLE decompressing routine, adapted from the article:
1	static int STATE = 0;
2	static int len = 0, c;
3	switch (STATE)
4	{
5		while (1)
6		{
7			c = getchar();
8			if (c == EOF) return EOF;
9			if (c == 0xFF) {
10				len = getchar();
11				c = getchar();
12				while (len--)
13				{
14					STATE = 0;
15					return c;
16	case 0:
17				}
18			} else
19				STATE = 1;
20				return c;
21	case 1:
22			}
23		}
24	}

As can be seen from this example, a coroutine depends on a state variable,
which it sets directly before exiting (lines 14 and 119). The next time the
routine is entered, the switch moves control to the specific point directly
after the previous exit (lines 16 and 21).

(As an aside, in the mentioned article the combination of the top-level switch,
the various setting of the state, the return of a value, and the labelling of
the exit point is wrapped in #define macros, making the structure of the
routine even clearer.)

The obvious problem with any such routine is the static keyword.
Any static variables in a function spell doom for multithreaded applications.
Also, in situations where this coroutine is used by more than one other
coroutines, the consistency is disturbed.

What is needed is a structure for storing these variabled, which is passed to
the routine seperately. This obviously breaks the modularity of the function,
since now the caller has to worry about and care for the internal state of the
routine (the callee). This allows for a fast, multithreading-enabled
implementation, which may (obviously) be wrapped in a C++ object for ease of

The base64 encoding and decoding functionality in this package is implemented
in exactly this way, providing both a high-speed high-maintanence C interface,
and a wrapped C++ which is low-maintanence and only slightly less performant.

Langley here: Notice that case statements can not only cross into sub-blocks,
but can jump past the initial checks of conditional loops so the first trip
through a loop starts on a chosen line.  Let's take a walk through the pre-
ceding code.

On the first call to the RLE decompression routine, the switch jumps to line
16. Control immediately hits the unconditonal jump back to line 12, where the
while(len--) loop terminates. Control falls through to line 23, then jumps back
to the top of the while(1) loop - which was skipped by the switch - and con-
sumes the first character of input.

Chris is correct when he says the C code is high-maintenance.  It's also quite
a lot of fun.  Of course, you don't have to put the first case statement inside
the main loop, Tatham doesn't in his examples, but now you know you can and
knowing is half the battle.


An RFC 4648-compliant Base64 header library for C and C++







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