This plan captures the focus of our work during the March iteration. It's a 5 week iteration. We will ship early April.
- March, 27th: Code freeze for the endgame
- March 31st: Endgame done
The endgame details for this iteration are tracked in #23276.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend for annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔵 | more details required |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
- Initial investigation into multi-root, multi-folder workspaces Add support for opening multiple project folders in same window #396 @bpasero @Tyriar
- Additional theming options in the workbench Support to theme the entire workbench #3112 @aeschli @bpasero
- Search speed improvements Explore using a native third-party search tool such as ripgrep or Silver Searcher #19983 @roblourens
- Polish - Affordance to maximize Panel Polish affordance to maximize panel #22135 @isidorn
- UI - Investigate on improve key binding customization support Investigate and Improve Key bindings customisations experience #18095 @sandy081 @alexandrudima
- UI - support to keep files deleted on disk open in the editor @bpasero
- Support contributing problem matchers Allow extensions to contribute named problem matchers via package.json #22066 @dbaeumer
- Define TaskProvider API Define extension story for tasks #22069 @dbaeumer
- Move keybinding dispatching off e.keyCode @alexandrudima Move keybinding dispatching off e.keyCode #17521
- Polish mini map support (see query) @alexandrudima
- Polish drag & drop support (clean up event ordering) Drag and drop enhancement #22094 @rebornix
- Polish rich text copy/paste Copy with formatting enhancement #22095 @rebornix
- Investigate offline spell checking Offline spell checker for VSCode #20266 @rebornix
- Improve auto completion with fuzzy matching Sublime Text style auto completion for words and member functions with fuzzy matching #22153 @jrieken
- Terminal improvements to support tasks @Tyriar
- link validation Validate terminal links after they have been created #21226 @Tyriar
- argument parsing for commands Terminal doesn't honor quoted command lines. #19078 @Tyriar
- Revisit: Terminal settings as workspace settings Setting a terminal by workspace settings is broken! User settings are not sufficient! #19758 @Tyriar
- UI - navigate to links on modifier click only Require cmd/ctrl+click to follow links in the terminal #21506 @Tyriar
Languages UI
- Suggestions in comments - revisit and reopen Autocomplete annoyingly tries to complete in comments. #9504 and leverage new token types in API @jrieken
- Support Implementors Code Lens Implementations Code Lens For TypeScript #20832 @mjbvz
- Adopt cancellation support Adopt cancellation token support in TS Server #18053 @mjbvz
- Investigate performance issues reported for TS Server Investigate performance issues reported for TS Server #22102 @mjbvz
- Track TS server extension API Track TS Server Extension API #22101 @mjbvz
- Explore extension mechanisms for the buiilt-in markdown support Markdown Preview Extensions Exploration #22916 @mjbvz
- Support async stack frames Debug exploration: Async Callstacks #5552 @roblourens @weinand
- Show all source code when debugging against a remote process Show all source code when debugging against a remote process #20355 Show all scripts loaded in runtime vscode-chrome-debug-core#182 @weinand @roblourens
- Surface new Exception DAP in UI Surface new Exception DAP in UI #22078 @weinand @michelkaporin
- Support a server mode for debug adapters Consider to support a server mode for debug adapters #22080 @weinand
- Debt: Support env variables for extension host debugging Set env to extensionHost type in launch.json did not work #22150 @weinand
- Debt: Reliable inline instruction pointer (e.g. multi threaded programs) When using Run to Cursor, then there is no inline instruction pointer decoration #21122 @weinand @isidorn
- Explore: Add debug menu to improve discoverability Add debug menu to improve discoverability #22077 @isidorn
- Explore: configuration UI (quick pick) for exceptions improve exception configuration experience #18093 @weinand
- 🏃 Experiment: support Live Edit for node-debug (legacy protocol) Support Live Reloading Scenarios #6930 @weinand
- Edit breakpoint conditions with multiple breakpoint on same line Edit breakpoint conditions with multiple breakpoint on same line #21151 @isidorn
Extension Authoring
- SCM - finish API based on feedback from early adapters Provisional SCM API & git extension #15894 @joaomoreno
- SCM - make the git SCM Provider the default git support Make the git SCM Provider the default git support #22131 @joaomoreno
- Support large extension, adopt new marketplace support Adopt Marketplace large extensions support #18146 @joaomoreno
- Expose progress API Explore providing an API for providing progress information #18066 @jrieken
- Control script execution in HTML preview Control script execution in HTML preview #22103 @mjbvz
- Investigate more types for CompletionItemKind enum More types for CompletionItemKind enum #2628 @jrieken
- Add support for a ContentProvider (only interested in content, not a Document) API for getting a text document without opening #15723 @jrieken
Contributions to Extensions
- TSLint: investigate into running tslint as a TS server extension Microsoft/vscode-tslint#171 @egamma
- Docker - add telemetry @chrisdias
- Go - Iteration Plan for March 2017 vscode-go#837 @ramya-rao-a
- 🏃 PHP - language server contributions Microsoft/tolerant-php-parser adoption felixfbecker/php-language-server#323 @mousetraps
- 🏃 PHP - continued progress on PHP parser @mousetraps
Engineering Items
- Assess Electron adoption @bpasero
- Understand impact of Electron update on keycodes @alexandrudima
- 🏃 Investigate into proxy issues Help Wanted: Test new networking stack #22214 @joaomoreno
- extension host error spamming the core Explore extension host error spamming the core #22804 @kieferrm
Startup performance
- Support that users can capture and report an execution profile on slow startup add --prof-startup flag #21631 @jrieken
- Import/export to xliff Move to XLIFF format for string localizations #22092 @michelkaporin
- Explore doing translations using transifex Explorer how to leverage Transifex to translate VS Code #22070 @dbaeumer @michelkaporin
- Finish migration of backend @ramya-rao-a
- Prune error telemetry @ramya-rao-a
- New TOC on website @waderyan @gregvanl
- Update vscode-samples @chrisdias @kieferrm
- Editor architectural documentation @rebornix @alexandrudima
- UI - explore improved notification story UI - explore improved notification UX #22388 @stevencl @chrisdias
- Debug - Support to copy the entire text of the debug console Multi page selection in debug console #2163 @isidorn
- Tasks - Support that an extension defines the 'Build' command Allow extensions to participate in tasks using commands #22067 @dbaeumer
- Tasks - Enable link detection for common error messages Support terminal link matchers in tasks v2 #21928 @dbaeumer
- Investigate into UI extension API, improve HTML preview Investigate better UX for previewing things #22068 @jrieken
- HTML - format on paste support [html] Format onPaste issues with HTML #21218 @aeschli
- HTML - tag completion [html] VSCode doesn't automatically close HTML tags #2246 @aeschli
- Investigate improve release notes for Insiders Improve Insiders release notes #22051 @joaomoreno @gregvanl
- Move lines up/down with auto indent Move lines honor indentation rules #22093 @rebornix
- Explore emmet 2.0 support Emmet extension for expansion and all other actions using the new apis #21943 @ramya-rao-a
- Separate 'configuration' from 'learning' quick links Separate 'configuration' from 'learning' quick links #22097 @chrmarti
- Investigate to provide guidance for technology stacks Investigate to provide guidance for technology stacks #22098 @chrmarti @chrisdias
- Enable Electron Crash reporter for all processes after Electron update Enable Electron Crash reporter for all processes after Electron update #21944 @ramya-rao-a
- Support migrating from 0.1.0 to 2.0.0 Help users to migrate to new tasks.json version 2.0.0. #22065 @dbaeumer