This plan captures what we work on during February. We will ship early March.
Not unusual and still noteworthy: We will do several explorations that might or might not result in concrete deliverables in this or later releases.
The endgame for this iteration is tracked in #20981.
Plan Items
Below is a summary of the top level plan items.
Legend for annotations:
Mark | Description |
🏃 | work in progress |
✋ | blocked task |
💪 | stretch goal for this iteration |
🔵 | more details required |
🔴 | missing issue reference |
- Evolve welcome experience and react to feedback @chrmarti
- Keybindings for explorer to enable VIM style navigation @bpasero
- Render chording short cuts in the menus @bpasero
- Tasks
- Provide additional terminal APIs and functionality Explore future direction of the task runner system. #15179 Terminals created in the background by the API will not display/retain any output until the terminal panel is initialized #12000 Allow custom link matchers to be registered in terminal API #18454 @Tyriar
- Define v2 of
, v2 shows the task output in the terminal @dbaeumer - Support to assign keybindings to tasks @dbaeumer
- Search: Explore search implementation based on Silver Searcher Explore using a native third-party search tool such as ripgrep or Silver Searcher #19983 @roblourens
- Move the preferences for theme, icon theme from local storage to settings [themes] Put theme configuration to settings.json #7358 @aeschli @sandy081
- Linux auto update/auto signing rpm & repository for Fedora Linux #229 Distribute VS Code via a signed apt repository #2973 @Tyriar
- Initial version of Minimap support Enhanced Scrollbar (add minimap) #4865 @alexandrudima
- Add ability to copy formatted code to clipboard Add ability to copy formatted code to clipboard #3518 @rebornix
- Support to drag and drop selected text Support to drag and drop selected text #1046 @rebornix
- C#
- Bundle the C# TextMate grammar Include C# textmate grammar #19469 @aeschli
- TypeScript/JavaScript
- TS 2.2 adoption Adopt TypeScript 2.2 #20162 @mjbvz
- More
validation (see also Use parser to parse tsconfig json instead of using Json.parse TypeScript#12336) Ensure the tsconfig.json validation is exposed #20163 - Explore improved language support for JSDoc comments Explore improved language support inside JSDoc comments, provide Intellisense for markup and symbols #20161 @mjbvz
- Transfer tmGrammar ownership Transfer tmGrammar ownership #20160 @mjbvz @aeschli
- Analyze Live preview options @waderyan
- Evolve
into a single node debugging experience Prepare for node -> node2 transition #19650 @weinand @roblourens - Column break points Breakpoints on particular column #14784 @isidorn @weinand
- Improve the UI when an exception is thrown Improve exception experience #16860 @isidorn @michelkaporin
- DAP: Support for getting information about a thrown exception Debug Protocol: Support for getting information about a thrown exception vscode-debugadapter-node#97 @weinand
- Ability to select a launch configuration and start a debug target using keyboard Ability to select and start a launch using keyboard #16613 @isidorn @michelkaporin
- Exploration: Live Edit Support Live Reloading Scenarios #6930 @weinand @roblourens
- Exploration: Async Stackframes Debug exploration: Async Callstacks #5552 @roblourens @weinand
Extension Authoring
- Initial version of Source Control Provider API (API will still be in proposed state end of February) Provisional SCM API & git extension #15894 @joaomoreno
- API to show a modal confirmation (required for SCM API) @joaomoreno
- Support that an extension can contribute and define its default language settings Default language-specific settings #19733 @sandy081
Contributions to Extensions
- 🏃♂️ php parser completion and investigate contribution @mousetraps
- Go - support single file debugging without a launch config and add configuration snippets @ramya-rao-a
- Docker – update dockerfile_lint version @chrisdias
- Docker – support running windows containers @chrisdias @lostintangent
- Docker – support running Azure CLI in a container @chrisdias
Engineering Items
- Investigate into next Electron update @bpasero
- Performance test infrastructure for start-up performance @jrieken
- Adopt @ types in our bundled extensions Adopt @ types in our code #20164 @mjbvz
- Start website for tools that help us managing issues and releases @sandy081
- 🏃♂️ Consolidate telemetry infrastructure @ramya-rao-a
- Investigate into implementing 'multi root workspaces', 'multi folder' workspaces @bpasero
- Additional theming options in the workbench (colors, fonts) Support to theme the entire workbench #3112 @aeschli @bpasero
- Investigate more types for CompletionItemKind enum More types for CompletionItemKind enum #2628 @jrieken
- Startup performance: provide a dashboard @jrieken, @seanmcbreen
- Exploration: configuration UI for exception hierarchies improve exception configuration experience #18093 @weinand
- ✋ Support large extension, adopt new marketplace support Adopt Marketplace large extensions support #18146 @joaomoreno
- ✋ Adopt cancellation token support Adopt cancellation token support in TS Server #18053 @mjbvz
- Keyboard layout improvements Move keybinding dispatching off e.keyCode #17521 @alexandrudima
- Support to contribute to task creation (template) and to contribute problem matchers @dbaeumer
- Go - debug Intellisense support in the Debug Console @ramya-rao-a
- Move lines up/down with auto indent @rebornix
- Go - Support to run without a debugger attached @ramya-rao-a