New Features
Extended atcacert module to support compressed certificate usage for TA devices
Enhanced WPC application to support TA devices
Updated PKCS#11 and Openssl wiki documentation to include steps for using Openssl 3.0+ versions
Updated PKCS#11 module to add compatibility for higher [SHA-2]( (SHA384 and SHA512) functions
Added NIST vector tests to cover AES CCM module validation
Modified calib packet allocation to use memory from either heap or data segment based on user configuration instead of always using data segment.
Resolved SWI 1-wire communication failure occuring in hal_swi_gpio while using MPLABx Harmony projects
delay routines in hal_cortex_m_delay are optimized to generate accurate delays for SAM cortex-m device family
removed call stack overhead in hal_swi_gpio to meet required SWI bit timing
Minimum required version for CMake is changed from 3.0.1 to 3.10.0
Fixed compilation issues with atcac_get_subj_public_key when WolfSSL configuration is enabled
Replaced I/O buffers in atcacert with cal_buffer at few instances to support resource-constrained PIC18 devices
Refer [lib/atcacert/] for details on atcacert API changes