A project to familiarize with development of web applications. Website with courses for doctors (learning project)
Used technologies:
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Hibernate
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Maven
- 2 types of users: Admin and User
- Admin dashboard
- User is able to apply for a course
- Search courses
- Functionality to create lessons using HTML editor
- Ability to upload materials for the course to the server (images, pdf)
- Ability to create tests for Users
- Track progress of the User's completion of the course
Main page:
Sign in:
Browse courses:
Filter courses:
Course description:
Course lesson:
Course test:
Admin dashboard:
Edit course:
Edit content with HTML editor:
Test/lessons manipulation:
Edit tests:
- Clone git repo, let maven get dependencies
- Create MySQL database & configure it in application.properties
- Run SQL scripts in MySQL(medical_education_db_script.sql - only for the schema, for schema and data)
- Launch using Application.java in your IDE