Detox Fixtures Not Consistently Working on Android for MetaMask App on Certain Mac Machines #12917
What is this about?
When running Detox tests with fixtures on the MetaMask app for Android, some Mac machines used by dev/QA users encounter issues. While the fixture server starts successfully, the app does not build into the required test state as expected for Android. This issue appears to be intermittent and only affects specific devices.
Steps to Reproduce
- Build the app for Android using the command:
npm run test:e2e:android:debug:build
- Run the Detox tests with the command:
npm run test:e2e:android:debug:run
- Observe the app's state after the fixture server starts.
Expected Behavior
Tests that engage fixtures should start the app in the configured setup where the app opens at a specific spot, similar to the behavior on iOS.
Actual Behavior
The fixture server runs successfully, but the app's configuration setup is not engaged. Instead, the app starts from the beginning, ignoring the expected fixture configuration.
Acceptance Criteria
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