Handle Engine does not exist
failures as a result of failed controller initialization #12435
What is this about?
This task is intended to handle the condition where users encounter the error Engine does not exist
failures as a result of failed controller initialization.
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Technical Details
- Direct user to wallet recovery flow if engine initialization fails to prevent user from being bricked
Threat Modeling Framework
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Acceptance Criteria
- Only user experience change should be that users are redirect to the wallet recovery flow if engine initialization fails. This can be reproduced by setting the AccountController's
to undefined
Stakeholder review needed before the work gets merged
- Engineering (needed in most cases)
- Design
- Product
- QA (automation tests are required to pass before merging PRs but not all changes are covered by automation tests - please review if QA is needed beyond automation tests)
- Security
- Legal
- Marketing
- Management (please specify)
- Other (please specify)
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