Hi folks. SLiM 4.1 is ready to release! This issue is to manage its rollout. It has been tagged in git (v4.1). Things to do:
- a new conda package (me)
- a new macOS installer (me)
- a new Arch installer (@grahamgower)
- a new Windows pacman installer (@rdinnager)
- our first AppImage installer! (for SLiMgui only) (@bryce-carson)
- other Linux installers (@bryce-carson)
I'm not sure whether you'll be able to check off things when they're done, but anyway you can post about progress on this issue and I'll check things off. Thanks!
@rdinnager, I have this vague memory of some step that you needed me to take before you can turn the pacman crank, but I don't see it in my notes. Let me know if there's something you need from me. :->