This repository contains a Python client module for access to Mergin Maps service and a command-line tool for easy access to data stored in Mergin Maps.
To install the module:
pip3 install mergin-client
Note: Check also Mergin Maps Cpp Client
To use Mergin Maps from Python, it is only needed to create MerginClient
object and then use it:
import mergin
client = mergin.MerginClient(login='john', password='topsecret')
client.download_project('lutraconsulting/Basic survey', '/tmp/basic-survey')
If you have Mergin Maps plugin for QGIS installed and you want to use it from QGIS' Python console
import Mergin.mergin as mergin
client = mergin.MerginClient(login='john', password='topsecret')
When the module is installed, it comes with mergin
command line tool.
$ mergin --help
Usage: mergin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Command line interface for the Mergin Maps client module. For user
authentication on server there are two options:
1. authorization token environment variable (MERGIN_AUTH) is defined, or
2. username and password need to be given either as environment variables
(MERGIN_USERNAME, MERGIN_PASSWORD), or as command options (--username,
Run `mergin --username <your_user> login` to see how to set the token
variable manually.
--url TEXT Mergin Maps server URL. Default is:
--auth-token TEXT Mergin authentication token string
--username TEXT
--password TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
clone Clone project from server.
create Create a new project on Mergin Maps server.
download Download last version of Mergin Maps project
download-file Download project file at specified version.
list-projects List projects on the server
login Login to the service and see how to set the token...
pull Fetch changes from Mergin Maps repository
push Upload local changes into Mergin Maps repository
remove Remove project from server.
rename Rename project in Mergin Maps repository.
reset Reset local changes in project.
share Fetch permissions to project
share-add Add permissions to [users] to project
share-remove Remove [users] permissions from project
show-file-changeset Displays information about project changes.
show-file-history Displays information about a single version of a...
show-version Displays information about a single version of a...
status Show all changes in project files - upstream and...
For example, to download a project:
$ mergin --username john download john/project1 ~/mergin/project1
To download a specific version of a project:
$ mergin --username john download --version v42 john/project1 ~/mergin/project1
To download a sepecific version of a single file:
- First you need to download the project:
mergin --username john download john/myproject
- Go to the project directory
cd myproject
- Download the version of a file you want:
mergin --username john download-file --version v273 myfile.gpkg /tmp/myfile-v273.gpkg
If you do not want to specify username on the command line and be asked for you password every time, it is possible to set env variables MERGIN_USERNAME and MERGIN_PASSWORD.
When a project is downloaded, mergin
commands can be run in the project's
working directory:
- get status of the project (check if there are any local/remote changes)
$ mergin status
- pull changes from Mergin Maps service
$ mergin pull
- push local changes to Mergin Maps service
$ mergin push
If you plan to run mergin
command multiple times and you wish to avoid logging in every time,
you can use "login" command to get authorization token.
It will ask for password and then output environment variable with auth token. The returned token
is not permanent - it will expire after several hours.
$ mergin --username john login
Password: topsecret
Login successful!
To set the MERGIN_AUTH variable run in Linux:
export MERGIN_AUTH="Bearer ......."
In Windows:
SET MERGIN_AUTH=Bearer .......
When setting the variable in Windows you do not quote the value.
When the MERGIN_AUTH env variable is set (or passed with --auth-token
command line argument),
it is possible to run other commands without specifying username/password.
Python 3.7+ required. Create mergin/deps
folder where geodiff lib is supposed to be and install dependencies:
rm -r mergin/deps
mkdir mergin/deps
pip install python-dateutil pytz
pip install pygeodiff --target=mergin/deps
For using mergin client with its dependencies packaged locally run:
pip install wheel
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
mkdir -p mergin/deps
pip wheel -r mergin_client.egg-info/requires.txt -w mergin/deps
unzip mergin/deps/pygeodiff-*.whl -d mergin/deps
pip install --editable .
For running test do:
cd mergin
export TEST_MERGIN_URL=<url> # testing server
export TEST_API_USERNAME=<username>
export TEST_API_PASSWORD=<pwd>
export TEST_API_USERNAME2=<username2>
export TEST_API_PASSWORD2=<pwd2>
pip install pytest pytest-cov coveralls
pytest --cov-report html --cov=mergin mergin/test/