Beijing Cancer Hospital
- Beijing
- https://mengxiangxi.info/
SimPET is a framework intended to setup and launch PET imaging Monte Carlo simulations on a simple way. It uses popular tools such as SimSET and STIR
Tool for robust segmentation of >100 important anatomical structures in CT and MR images
The DICOM standard, in JSON format, parsed from the HTML version using Python scripts
eBPF-based Linux high-performance transparent proxy solution.
soffchen / sing-geoip
Forked from SagerNet/sing-geoipgeoip.db for sing-box
soffchen / sing-geosite
Forked from Johnshall/sing-geositegeosite.db for sing-box
This extension provides support for editing MATLAB® code in Visual Studio® Code and includes features such as syntax highlighting, code analysis, navigation support, and more.
Course work, implementation of the Siddon and OSEM reconstruction algorithms
Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization algorithm
Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometer LYWSD03MMC and Telink Flasher via USB to Serial converter
abdominal multi-organ segmentation using pytorch
Hiragana/Katakana Speed Reading Quiz in Command Line !! 😎
An open-source style guide for writing Chinese technical documents: https://zh-style-guide.readthedocs.io
12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
simple classifying analysis for 47 medical images.