This was a group project using the ETL method of data processing, Python Flask, JavaScript, HTML and Data Visualizations to create a tool for evaluating the relative air quality of California cities.
Shweta Joshi
Meera G K
Antonette Goroch
Dang Tran
Reed Zimpfer
In this Project we use publically available data to evaluate air pollution, which is a leading cause of death across the globe, contributing to stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and other respiratory illness. The goal of this project is to document and visualize the air quality of the California state area as a tool for promoting public health.
The datasets used in this project cover the daily data between year 2000 – 2021 for California state area. Air quality data are collected at outdoor monitors across the United States and can be download from EPA(
General Public
Health Awareness & Protection Community Engagement & AdvocacyPlanning & Decision Making
Our core dataset came from the Environmental Protection Association (EPA)'s AQS (Air Quality System) database.
The EPA is mandated by several laws, going back to the 1970s, to monitor and report key metrics about air quality annually. From this database, we selected an initial file of Air Quality Statistics By City for the period 2000-2021. This was the most recently available data and was published on May 4, 2022. It included 1600+ records and covered six of the most hazardous air pollutants covered by the Clean Air Act: Ozone Particulate Matter Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Oxides Sulfur Dioxide
From the source data , a subset of data from the Sate California and Cities was extracted and converted into a CSV file. By applying the GeoApfy Key, basic lat/long coordinates were determined, then using the pandas dataframe, a final CSV data file was created.
Using the CSV file created a Database has been created using SQlite
With the help of the Database created , a python Flask was further deployed. Then, using Javascript ,leaflet and HTML, a dashboard was created in the local port. The dashboard includes a statewide map showing the pollutant level for each California city, and whether or not it is above/below the established healthy level via a pop up hover box.
The dashboard also includes Bar and Linear graphs that plot the Annual mean of NO2 and PM2.5 on each City and Year.
Pollutant Levels of CO, SO2, and PM10 have been continuously dropping to low level, which means we have moderate to good Air conditions in California State.But we see that Ozone, NO2, and PM2.5 haven't dropped that much are related to high number of factories, high number of vehicles, and other source of pollution that are still not under well controlled.
As air quality has been improved and there are still pollutants (Ozone, NO2, and PM2.5) retain at high pollution Level. Effort should continuously be made to reduce them. How can we make a difference? Drive less, use less electricity, don't burn wood or trash, support measures in your community that can cut air pollution, etc. Also air quality continues to worsen in cities across the world, especially in low-income countries and developing countries. Cooperation should be setup among countries in combating air pollution.
The presentation link is as follows