Implementation of the paper "Mesh2ssm: From surface meshes to statistical shape models of anatomy". Please cite this paper if you use the code.
Arrange the input meshes in three folders - train, test, val
These meshes need to be pre-processed, i.e., centered, aligned, smoothed, and should roughly contain the same number of vertices and edges.
Each dataset should also contain the template point cloud in text format placed outside of the train, test, and val folders. Example template file format where we have the x,y,z position of the point, and each row is a correspondence point.
14.2509 5.10197 17.3891
61.679 10.9403 11.4656
70.2814 15.9074 12.156
-54.3031 -23.9498 -32.8051
-16.3315 -13.9949 -1.55633
62.0011 29.5519 29.7298
python [--with appropriate tags]
python [--with appropriate tags]
usage: [-h] [--exp_name N] [--dataset N] [--batch_size batch_size] [--test_batch_size batch_size] [--epochs N]
[--use_sgd USE_SGD] [--lr LR] [--vae_lr LR] [--momentum M] [--no_cuda NO_CUDA] [--seed S]
[--dropout DROPOUT] [--emb_dims N] [--nf N] [--k N] [--model_path N] [--data_directory DATA_DIRECTORY]
[--model_type MODEL_TYPE] [--mse_weight MSE_WEIGHT] [--template TEMPLATE] [--extention EXTENTION]
[--gpuid GPUID] [--vae_mse_weight VAE_MSE_WEIGHT] [--latent_dim LATENT_DIM]
Mesh2SSM: From surface meshes to statistical shape models of anatomy
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exp_name N Name of the experiment
--dataset N
--batch_size batch_size
Size of batch)
--test_batch_size batch_size
Size of batch)
--epochs N number of epochs to train
--use_sgd USE_SGD Use SGD
--lr LR learning rate (default: 0.001, 0.1 if using sgd)
--vae_lr LR learning rate (default: 0.001, 0.1 if using sgd)
--momentum M SGD momentum (default: 0.9)
--no_cuda NO_CUDA enables CUDA training
--seed S random seed (default: 42)
--dropout DROPOUT dropout rate
--emb_dims N Dimension of embeddings of the mesh autoencoder for correspondence generation
--nf N Dimension of IMnet nf
--k N Num of nearest neighbors to use
--model_path N Pretrained model path
--data_directory DATA_DIRECTORY
data directory
--model_type MODEL_TYPE
model type autoencoder or only encoder
--mse_weight MSE_WEIGHT
weight for the mesh autoencoder(correspondence generation) mse reconstruction term in the loss
--template TEMPLATE name of the template file
--extention EXTENTION
extention of the mesh files in the data directory
--gpuid GPUID gpuid on which the code should be run
--vae_mse_weight VAE_MSE_WEIGHT
weight for the shape variational autoencoder(analysis) mse reconstruction term in the loss
--latent_dim LATENT_DIM
latent dimensions of the shape variational autoencoder
From the website: All data will be made available online with a permissive copyright-license (CC-BY-SA 4.0), allowing for data to be shared, distributed and improved upon. All data has been labeled and verified by an expert human rater, and with the best effort to mimic the accuracy required for clinical use.
To cite this data, please refer to
This dataset was pre-processed using ShapeWorks mesh grooming tools.
If you use this pre-processed dataset in work that leads to published research, we humbly ask that you cite ShapeWorks, and add the following to the 'Acknowledgments' section of your paper: "The National Institutes of Health supported this work under grant numbers NIBIB-U24EB029011, NIAMS-R01AR076120, NHLBI-R01HL135568, NIBIB-R01EB016701, and NIGMS-P41GM103545." and add the following 'disclaimer': "The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health."
When referencing this dataset groomed with ShapeWorks, please include a bibliographical reference to the paper below, and, if possible, include a link to Joshua Cates, Shireen Elhabian, Ross Whitaker. "Shapeworks: particle-based shape correspondence and visualization software." Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis. Academic Press, 2017. 257-298.
title = {Shapeworks: particle-based shape correspondence and visualization software},
author = {Cates, Joshua and Elhabian, Shireen and Whitaker, Ross},
booktitle = {Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis},
pages = {257--298},
year = {2017},
publisher = {Elsevier}
Use the to download the dataset. Please make sure to create an account at to download the dataset.