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A lightweight tool of simulating console for STB to look over log info(STB B/S no console and alert methods)
appreciate gongxw`s assistance
- view console logs
- custom options(position, color, background, size, focus)
- custom background: color, position, size, z-index)
- custom log: fontsize, focus model, page turning, object formatting
- distinguish input log type automatically
- catch error
- clear && clearAll
- show && hide
- UserAgent
Download the release
npm install aconsole
Import dist/aconsole.min.js to your project:
<script src="path/to/aconsole.min.js"></script>
// init Aconsole
var _aconsole = new Aconsole();
_aconsole.log("hello world")
_aconsole.trace("hello world")
_aconsole.debug("hello world")
_aconsole.info("hello world")
_aconsole.warn("hello world")
_aconsole.error("hello world")
// example: match key event
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
var code = event.keyCode;
if (code == 13) {
// _mconsole.clearAll();
// _mconsole.clear();
if (code == 32) {
_mconsole.log(document.createElement("div"), 2);
if (code == 34) {
if (code == 33) {
if (code == 40) {
if (code == 38) {
var options = {
position: "left", // console position: right && top && bottom
size: "50%", // console size
id: "console", // console dom id
parent: "body", // binding parent dom (body, ID, class)
focus: true, // focus model, default: false
zindex: 9999, // default: 9999
spread: true, // defaul: false
bgcolor: "rgba(85,85,85,.8)",
new Aconsole(options) // unnecessarily
- show() && hide()
- log(data, level) // level: 1: error, 2: warn, 3: info, 4: log, 5: debug, 6: trace
- trace(data)
- debug(data)
- error(data)
- info(data)
- trace(data)
- getDom() // get console dom
- clearAll() // clear all log
- clear() // clear focused log, (focus: true)
- pageDown() && pageUp() // page turning log
- moveDown() && moveUp() // focus log move (focus: true)
- toggle() // format focused when data typeof === Object show (focus: true)