Govee v2 Life Child Light Device will not successfully install on my HE using HPM. When It gets to part of the installation for Govee v2 Life Child Light Device, it spits out an error that says it cannot find the library(s) listed below. Am I doing something incorrectly? I have v1 working. Thanks, Ryan
// Hubitat driver for Govee Appliances Child Light Device
// Version 2.1.0
// 05/07/2024 2.1.0 update to support Nested devices under Parent devices
// Includes of library objects
#include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_API ~ error library not found on line 7: #include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_API
#include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_RGB ~ error library not found on line 8: #include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_RGB
#include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_Level~ error library not found on line 9: #include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_Level
#include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_Life ~ error library not found on line 10: #include Mavrrick.Govee_Cloud_Life