Intened as a school project with the goal of creating a Low-Cost Single Channel LoraWAN Gateway software for a Raspberry Pi, this Project also implement routing between the Gateway and the Node
! This repo is no longer supported !
This is not a tutorial but if you read everything and follow all instructions you should be able to make everything work
The provided software was only tested on a Raspberry Pi 3B and 3B+ using Raspbian !
Although since the BCM2835 library is compatible with all raspberry pi version (including zero and Pi 4) it should work on any raspbery pi
The provided software was only tested on the HopeRF RFM95 Module with this sheild
But since the RadioHead (RH_RF95 Driver) library is compatible with others modules it should work on :
- Semtech SX1276/77/78/79
- Modtronix inAir4 and inAir9
- HopeRF RFM96/97/98
If your radio module is not listed above there's still hope you can make this work, this software is only using the RH_RF95 Driver but RadioHead supports lots of other drivers, You may need to modify the source code and recompile it to work with your module and the correct driver see here for more informations
We only tested codes given in the Arduino folder, it should work on all Arduinos, as long as they have a LoRa module supported by the RadioHead RH_FR95 driver (see list above),
We used an adafruit Feather 32u4 with a RFM95 LoRa module on it. If you are considering buying arduino(s) for ceating a Lora/LoraWAN infrastructure and considering using routing, RadioHead recommend at least 2kB of RAM, even if it works with theses adafruit feather 32u4 you will be limited by the number of routing entries.
The provided software was only tested using the BCM2835 Library version 1.64
And the RadioHead library from hallard github link here
I'm aware that newer versions doesn't use the bcm2835 lib anymore and switched to pigpio, the gateway was not meant to work with pigpio, this is why it doesn't work with newer versions of RadioHead make sure you are using the one from hallard's repo.
To this date there's issues with pigpio and RadioHead, it looks like there is race conditions between threads, this is why I'm not using it. It is possible theses issues have been corrected since this was made.
Here's a diagram of the tested infrastructure implemented in this project :
+----------------+ +----------------+
+-------------+ +------------+ |RPI | | |
|Arduino | |Arduino | | | |+--------------+|
| (End Node) | <--------> | (Router) | <----------> | Gateway | <--------> ||LoraWan Server||
| Node 100| ^ | Node 10 | ^ | | ^ |+--------------+|
+-------------+ | +------------+ | | Node 1| | | |
LoRa LoRa +----------------+ | | |
Modulation Modulation Internet | |
(IP) | |
| |
| |
A LoRa/LoRaWAN gateway will forward received packets sent by nodes to a LoRaWAN server
Lora Radio +-----------------------+ The Internet
Modulation | |
| |
Incoming | |
Packets -----------> | Gateway | -----------> Server(s)
| |
| |
| |
To get packets received by the Lora Module it uses the RadioHead library. To be able to send and receive packets RadioHead provides a Driver and a manager.
The driver is specific to the LoRa module, since we are using the HopeRF RFM95 module in our project we used the RH_RF95 driver. The manager is always the same, it enables routing and adressed packets (and much more if you want !)
Here's how RadioHead format a packet before sending it :
v v
| To | From | ID | Flags | Payload | CRC |
8 Bytes 0 - 251 Bytes
To : The address of the recipient node
From : The address of the node sending the packet
ID : 8 bytes value that can be whatever you want usually a framecounter
FLAGS : 8 bytes value that can be whatever you want
See here for more details
Once we have read our packet from the module we need to send it to the Server(s), to make the LoraWAN server(s) understand what we are sending them we need to use a protocol, this gateway is using the Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder Protocol. Despite being old and based on UDP it's simple and is currently supported by all LoraWAN servers.
The packet you send needs to be formatted according to the LoraWAN specifications, if not they will be rejected by the server.
End Nodes (Arduinos) must be configured correcly
First you will need to clone this repo :
git clone
Then install the Gateway by executing the setup script inside the Lora-LoraWAN folder :
Unless the setup script fails, I highly recommend using it
First you need to install the dependencies for the BCM2835 library :
sudo apt-get install libcap2 libcap-dev
Then add the user to the kmem group :
sudo adduser $USER kmem
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="mem", KERNEL=="mem", GROUP="kmem", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/98-mem.rules
Finally download, extract and compile the library :
tar -xvf bcm2835-1.64.tar.gz
cd bcm2835-1.64/
sudo make check
sudo make install
First Download this repo:
git clone
Then Download the RadioHead Library
git clone
Place the Radiohead library in the Gateway folder :
mv RadioHead Lora-LoraWAN/Gateway/
Compile the Gateway software
cd Lora-LoraWAN/Gateway/
You need to enable SPI access on the raspberry :
sudo raspi-config
Go to Interfacing Options and enable SPI
You also might need to add the following line to the config.txt file in /boot directory :
sudo su
echo "dtoverlay=gpio-no-irq" >> /boot/config.txt
To start the gateway server just launch the rf95_server script :
sudo ./rf95_server
Unless you are root you will need super user permissions to access the GPIO
If the installation fails using the script you may want to try to build it manually (see installation part) Libraries may have been updated and links broken, trying to download them manually may fix the issue
Make sure you have access to Internet and you have a proper DNS configuration
You may also try to install it as root
It is possible that either the bcm2835 or the RadioHead library are causing the problem, check it bcm2835 was correctly installed and compiled, and if the radiohead lib is placed in the Lora-LoraWAN/Gateway/ directory
If the error seems to come from somewhere else try googling it, and try to fix it yourself (Everything has been tested and works see Hardware and Software requirments for more info)
Check if the SPI Interface is active on the Raspberry and try to change the dt_overlay value in /boot/config.txt (see manual inslattaion Part 3.)
The program is probably trying to access something it cannot access, make sure you launched it with super user permissions
In most files there is a preprocessor #ifdef DEBUG commented, uncomment it for each file it and recompile the code for more debugging infos
Most errors give you possible instructions on how to solve them, try to follow them
Double check everything if it worked before try reinstalling everything
If you are stuck you can still try to open an issue, maybe someone with the same problem can help you
I don't support this repo anymore because I don't have the required hardware anymore, I can't garuantee you any solutions to your problems.
Do whatever you want with it !
Some of the libraries included in this repository are included for convenience only and all have their own license, and are not part of this project.