Boston Dynamics
- Boston, MA
- www.matthewpeterkelly.com
matthewpeterkelly.github.io Public
Personal website for Matthew Peter Kelly.
fractal-renderer Public
Renders high-quality images of fractals.
polynomial-rs Public
Forked from gifnksm/polynomial-rsManipulations and data types that represent polynomial
Rust MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2025 -
DrivenDampedPendulum Public
Matlab code for playing with the driven-damped-pendulum fractal
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2024 -
DirCol5i Public
Trajectory Optimization in Matlab, specialized for problems with higher-derivatives (eg. jerk or snap) and / or implicit dynamics.
poker-stats Public
Small library for computing poker statistics using Monte-Carlo simulation. The primary focus for the project is learning Rust.
OptimTraj Public
A trajectory optimization library for Matlab
rust Public
Forked from rust-lang/rustEmpowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
Rust Other UpdatedFeb 6, 2023 -
Toppling_Stick Public
Finite-State-Machine simulation of a toppling stick. Careful Analysis. Matlab.
Bouncing_Ball_Matlab Public
Tutorial for event detection in Matlab - simulation of ball bouncing over hilly terrain.
FluenceMapping Public
Trajectory optimization to match fluence profiles.
sns_ik Public
Forked from RethinkRobotics-opensource/sns_ikSaturation in the Null Space (SNS) Inverse Kinematic Library
ME149_Spring2018 Public
The course website for 'Optimal Control for Robotics', which I taught at Tufts University in Spring 2018
website Public archive
A repository for development of my personal website.
Polynomial_Smoothing_Matlab Public
Implementation of polynomial smoothing for several basic functions
numerical-methods-in-python Public
This project contains a set of standard numerical methods that I have implemented in python. The source-code for this project is intended to be read as a tutorial.
Bezier_Curves Public
A few Matlab functions for creating and evaluating bezier curves.
Chebyshev_Polynomials Public
Tutorial for Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials, written in Matlab. Strongly inspired by the chebfun project.
TwoPhaseOptimalGait Public
Trajectory optimization, using GPOPS-II, for two-phase walking and running gaits, for a simple walking model
miscpy Public
Forked from dsavransky/miscpyMiscellaneous python utilities
IntroMatlabDynamics Public
A basic introduction to Matlab, guided towards simulation and analysis of dynamical systems
RangerSimulation Public
Source code for my two most well-documented simulators for the Cornell Ranger walking robot.
ParticleSwarmOptimization Public
Matlab implementation of particle swarm optimization. Well documented with examples.
PolynomialSplines Public
Derivation of a few different polynomial splines using the Matlab symbolic toolbox. Also includes interpolation and fitting routines.
myJavaPkgs Public
Java utility packages that I wrote, generally related to simulation.
Tutorial: derive equations of motion for mechanical systems using Lagrange equations
Dynamics_Function_Gradient Public
Computes gradient of f(x) = A(x) \ b(x) in Matlab.
MDP_Pendulum Public
Creates a Markov Decision Process model of a pendulum, then finds optimal swing-up policy.