Azuki is generic framework designed to assist with Behavior Driven Specification (BDS), in the same way that Cucumber assists with Behavior Driven Development (BDD).
BDD is a process used to drive development and testing at the level of a user story. BDD involves the creation of scenarios written from the point of view of the stakeholder, and which exemplify their requirements. Each scenario is a form of Hoare Triple where we capture that:
- given an initial context (precondition)
- when the stakeholder performs an action (command)
- then the outcome is as expected (postcondition)
These scenarios are written using a domain-specific language (DSL) for which the developer creates an adapter that enables the scenario to be executed and verified.
BDS was introduced in Behaviour Driven Specification - Fraser, Pezzoni - 2021 and adapts the BDD process to assist the creation of a formal specification using agile principles. The BDS process is much like BDD, and it too requires a DSL in which to write scenarios. However, unlike BDD, where the inputs are ACs and the output is code, with BDS we look to establish ACs and use those to drive the creation of the specification, with both being valuable artifacts of the process.
For each behavior, we first determine a basic AC and then write a natural language description of that AC. A scenario is then created to exemplify the AC; this may involve the extension of the DSL if new language is needed to express the criterion. This scenario now forms an executable acceptance criterion (EAC), that we can use to validate the behavior of both the specification and the target implementation. We then create/extend the specification to ensure that the EAC is satisfied. This process is repeated until we have identified all ACs for the behavior and have constructed a specification that can be shown to satisfy them.
Running scenarios requires a DSL in which to express the actions and checks of the system in the stakeholder's language, and means by which to translate that language into commands and queries that the implementation can execute. Cucumber is synonymous with BDD, but we found it unsuitable for use with BDS. Although Cucumber accepts scenarios in the given-when-then format, the distinction between the blocks is lost at runtime and the scenario is reduced to a single sequence of steps. When executing a program it is perhaps unimportant that certain steps are declarative and others are imperative, but when animating a specification we wanted to transform the declarative steps into a single declaration rather than calling a series of functions. After some time trying to adapt Cucumber to our needs, we found that we were better able to make progress with a custom Kotlin DSL. Azuki is a collection of tools that will assist others taking a similar approach, particularly those that are specifying in VDM-SL.
This repository contains a number of projects which are summarized in the table below.
Project | Description |
azuki-core | The core of the Azuki project, that defines the structure of scenarios, the bare-bones of a BDS DSL for extension, and the means to use JUnit to run those scenarios through an IDE or a Gradle build. |
azuki-vdm | Additional utilities for the construction of Azuki adapters to VDM specifications. |
tictactoe | A worked example of using Azuki to create BDS EACs for the game of tic-tac-toe. |
vdm-animation | A simple library that uses Overture to animate a VDM specification. |
vdm-stub-generator | A Gradle plugin that generates Kotlin stubs for the modules and definitions of a VDM-SL specification. These stubs can be used in the construction of adapting VDM, such that we get compile-time checking of adapter dependence on VDM constructs. |
A Gradle composite build is provided that enables all projects to be built from a single command:
./gradlew build
However, there is a known issue with Gradle composite builds and publishing to Maven repositories. A custom task is provided to publish all of the necessary artifacts from the project to the local Maven repository in one go.
./gradlew publishAllToMavenLocal -Pversion=X.X.X
(A publishAll
task also exists for publishing to a remote Maven repository. This requires various environment variables and properties to be set to configure the remote repository.
These can easily be derived from examination from the publishing configuration of build.gradle.)
N.B. A composite build is necessary for publishing and consuming gradle plugins in the same build.
The composite Gradle build can be opened in IDEA as a single project by opening the settings.gradle file in the root directory. This is the preferred method of interacting with the code for development.
This library has not yet been published to a central repository. You will need to build and publish to a local Maven repository using instructions above. Once published, you can consume the various artifacts, as required, by adding dependencies to a Gradle build file in the usual way. For example:
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation group: '', name: 'azuki-core', version: 'X.X.X'
The use of the artifacts required for different aspects is exemplified in the tic-tac-toe example.
The best way to understand how Azuki can help with using BDS on a new project is to work through the tictactoe example provided.
See LICENCE.txt.