ShelterMap Backend is the API service for the ShelterMap project, designed to manage shelters and connect them with individuals offering help. It handles user authentication, shelter data management, updates to shelter needs, category assignments, and user feedback. The backend supports shelter representatives in registering and managing their shelters, while providing the public with access to shelter information and upvoting capabilities.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: PostgreSQL
- ORM: Knex.js
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Token)
- Password Hashing: bcryptjs
- Environment Variables: dotenv
- Security: helmet, cors
- Users: Stores user data for authentication and authorization.
- Shelters: Stores shelter information, including location and associated user.
- Needs: Stores predefined needs that shelters can select from.
- Categories: Stores different categories that can be associated with shelters.
- Shelter Categories: Associates shelters with specific categories.
- Votes: Tracks upvotes for shelters.
- Create Users Table: Defines the schema for storing user information.
- Create Shelters Table: Defines the schema for storing shelter information.
- Create Needs Table: Defines the schema for storing predefined needs.
- Create Categories Table: Defines the schema for storing categories.
- Create Shelter Categories Table: Defines the schema for associating shelters with categories.
- Create Votes Table: Defines the schema for storing user votes on shelters.
- 01_add_users: Seeds initial user data.
- 02_add_shelters: Seeds initial shelter data.
- 03_add_needs: Seeds predefined needs.
- 04_add_categories: Seeds initial categories.
Register a new user. -
Authenticate user and return JWT.
Add a new shelter (requires authentication). -
Get a list of all shelters. -
Get detailed information about a specific shelter. -
Update shelter details (requires authentication). -
Delete a shelter (requires authentication).
Add needs to a shelter (requires authentication). -
Get a list of all predefined needs.
Add a new category. -
Get a list of all categories. -
Associate a shelter with categories (requires authentication). -
Remove a category from a shelter (requires authentication).
Upvote a shelter (requires authentication). -
Get the number of votes for a specific shelter.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables by creating a
file:DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=your_password DB_NAME=sheltermaps JWT_SECRET=your_secret_key
Run migrations:
npx knex migrate:latest
Seed the database:
npx knex seed:run
Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Testing Routes: Use tools like Postman or Insomnia to test API routes and ensure they are functioning correctly.
- Unit Testing: Consider adding unit tests using a testing framework like Jest to ensure code reliability.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues and pull requests for new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.