Mathboard is an interactive board ...
- Language: TypeScript
- Package Manager: Yarn
- Core Library: React v19 with React Router (used as framework)
- Styling: TailwindCSS
- Components: Shadcn/ui
- Icons: Lucide-react
Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top-right of this page to create your own copy of the project.
Clone your fork: After forking the repository, clone it to your local machine.
git clone
Create a new branch: For each new feature or bugfix, create a separate branch.
git checkout -b feature-branch
Make your changes: Implement your changes or bug fixes in this new branch.
Commit your changes: Commit the changes locally with a meaningful message.
git commit -m "Your message about the changes"
Push your changes: Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.
git push origin feature-branch
Create a pull request: Open a pull request on the main repository to submit your changes for review.