Development has been stopped. In the end, project failed to capture position, rotation worked quite well
Tested against Blender 2.79. No plans for porting
This addon allows you to capture yours accelerometer and gyroscope movement data and use it to animate object in your scene in semi real time.
EW tried to use Arduino + MPU 6050+ ESP8266
Maybe it is possible to get data from your phone.
Download as zip, install as any other addon from user settings.
This blender addon is a client, that connects to a server and gets movement data. You need to fill in hostname/ip address and port number. Shortcut:
to aborty
to start setting keyframes
Run fake server to provide random data for addon (localhost, port 5000)
Start Blender and connect to pycharm debugger automatically:
- calculating accelormeter data to position didn't work in the end, see conclusion in
- animation will override existing keyframes
- only one object is supported (I do not plan any mocap setup)