Takes a "sascalendar" url and parses the location and summary fields.
- Rick van Lieshout
- Wilko Zonnenberg
The project includes a makefile with a couple of commands:
Command | result |
run | Starts the application with dynamic compilation |
prod | Starts the application without dynamic compilation |
test | Runs the tests |
Declare a route in "conf/routes", make sure to follow the following convention:
GET /route controllers.Controller.Method
Create the controller in the folder app/controllers
using the following stub:
package controllers
import play.api.mvc._
import models.AgendaItem
class FirstController extends Controller {
def firstMethod = Action {
Ok("Woohoo! it works!")
Make sure your sbt version in project/build.properties is set correctly:
sbt.version = 0.13.13
Add the plugin in project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("org.scoverage" % "sbt-scoverage" % "1.5.0")
Run the tests with coverage:
$ sbt clean coverage test
or if you have integration tests as well
$ sbt clean coverage it:test
To generate the coverage report run
$ sbt coverageReport
Coverage reports will be in target/scoverage-report
. There are HTML and XML reports. The XML is useful if you need to programatically use the results, or if you're writing a tool.
If you're running the coverage reports from within an sbt console session (as
opposed to one command per sbt launch), then the coverage
command is sticky. To
turn it back off when you're done running reports, use the coverageOff
command or reset coverageEnabled
with set coverageEnabled := false