Bought a snapped off PicassoIV and don't want to use cables to attach the video slot connector? Then PIV FFBridge comes to the rescue. It also integrates the functionality of the CD-Mix that not many people know it exists. This way, you can listen to CD and Amiga audio through the PIV audio output at the same time.
The design is proven and working good. It was created from the original schematics and PCB layout.
The "PIV FFBridge" documentation, including the design itself, is copyright © MastaTabs (Tobias Seiler) 2020.
"PIV FFBridge" is Open Hardware licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2.
You may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the CERN OHL v.1.2. This documentation is distributed as is and WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES whatsoever with respect to its functionality, operability or use, including, without limitation, any implied warranties OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE or infringement. We expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages, including, without limitation, lost revenues, lost profits, losses resulting from business interruption or loss of data, regardless of the form of action or legal theory under which the liability may be asserted, even if advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.
A copy of the full license is included in file LICENSE.pdf, please refer to it for applicable conditions. In order to properly deal with its terms, please see file LICENSE_HOWTO.pdf.
The contact points for information about manufactured Products (see section 4.2) are listed in file
Any modifications made by Licensees (see section 3.4.b) shall be recorded in file
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