Tags: MarkBarbieri/react-virtualized
* 🐛 'CellMeasurer' works properly in iframes and popup windows. ([dfd… …eagle47](https://github.com/dfdeagle47) - [bvaughn#968](bvaughn#968))
* More natural scrolling speeds for large lists. ([TrySound](https://… …github.com/TrySound) - [bvaughn#936](bvaughn#936)) * Support for multi-column sort added to 'Table' component. Read more about this [here](https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized/blob/master/docs/multiColumnSortTable.md). Special thanks to [CzBuCHi](https://github.com/CzBuCHi) for the initial proposal and iteration in PRs [bvaughn#946](bvaughn#946) and [bvaughn#957](bvaughn#957). ([bvaughn](https://github.com/bvaughn) - [bvaughn#966](bvaughn#966)) * ✨ Improved 'Table' performance for cases with large numbers of columns. ([gannunziata](https://github.com/gannunziata) - [bvaughn#942](bvaughn#942)) * 🐛 Fixed potential initial render bug when using 'CellMeasurer' with a 'List'. ([OriR](https://github.com/OriR) - [bvaughn#959](bvaughn#959)) * 🐛 'Masonry' component now renders at least one column to avoid an invalid, Infinity height layout issue. ([djeeg](https://github.com/djeeg) - [bvaughn#961](bvaughn#961)) * 🎉 Optional 'className' and 'style' props added to 'AutoSizer' component.