- Project Description
- Technology Used
- Application Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Credits
- License
- Repository Status
- Contribute
- Tests
- Checklist
What is this project?
- An application for users to join and view new release movies including their release date.
Why this project?
- Movie releases are hard to track sometimes without accessing movie industry news, one example is Avatar 2 that has been promised for a number of years and is now scheduled for release in Dec-2022. This application provides movie lovers with a convenient tool to quickly get updated with scheduled release dates for movies in the next 12 months.
What problem does this project solve?
- Users who want the convenience of seeing all scheduled release dates for movies so they can diarise or prepare to see it when released.
Lessons learnt?
A few ideas for this project proved challenging at this moment in time and would be great additions to the site in the future.
Some issues with the use of calling in data was noticed as it showed listings for already released movies which had to be manually overwritten.
Nodemailer is a useful module but proved difficult for the purposes of the app. It would require a good deal amount of coding to make use of the several preferences users can apply.
Using branches further has been helpful in finding out the best way in order to streamline tasks and avoid conflicts.
Certain design elements have been used which allow for greater function of the site. Using these in the future will help greatly in formatting a mobile first page.
- Heroku
- Express.js
- Node.js
- Sequelize
- NodeMailer
- Bcrypt
- Site hosted on heroku
Features provided:
View upcoming films in a carousel feature
On first load, users are taken to a login page via the button in navbar or through clicking one of the movie posters. If not a member, they are asked if they would like to sign up and provide details there to create a user profile.
Users are able to view a movie after clicking to see film info including a film poster, title, synopsis and genre
Users are able to add a film to a saved watchlist of upcoming movies
Users can add settings to be able to be notified of the movie closer to the date of release
Users can view a list of saved movies in the dashboard page. Here they can click through to see the movie page once again.
Users can delete movies in the watchlist if no longer interested in viewing them.
You can download the source code from my Github repository and unzip the files to a location on your computer.
The code can be downloaded from my Github repository for all assets created for the project.
You can modify the code as you need. -
Site hosted on Heroku
There are no particular call outs for this assignment, all code was used with reference to the unit 14 Activities.
The works in this repository are subject to:
You can contribute by opening a pull request or submitting an issue.
If you would like to contribute, please comply with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct:
- No unit tests have been prepared for this project. Testing done on my desktop running different scenarios. A problem exists causing the application to glitch when trying to change an employee after deleting their manager. Needs to be resolved.
All actions not checked are still to be completed:
[x] GitHub repository containing your application code.
[x] Application connects to a MySQL database using MySQL2 and Sequelize packages.
[x] Sensitive data is stored using environment variables through the use of dotenv package.
[x] Application syncs Sequelize models to a MySQL database when the server starts.
[x] Application includes column definitions and model associations for all four models outlined in the homework instructions.
[x] The GitHub repository contains all the application code.
[x] Repository has a unique name; follows best practice for file structure; and naming conventions.
[x] The application resembles the mock-up functionality provided in the assigment instructions.
[x] Repository follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.
[x] Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
[x] Repository contains a README file with description, screenshot and link to deployed application.