The "here-geocoding" package is a Python library designed to streamline the process of converting addresses stored in an Excel (xlsx) file into latitude and longitude coordinates. It provides a convenient solution for geocoding large sets of addresses using the HERE geocoding service.
The package is based on the:
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
Environments -> base (root) -> open terminal -> pip install here-geocoding
- pip install here-geocoding
Find the api key:
from here_geocoding import geocoding
api_key = 'YOUR API KEY' # OK
d = geocoding(api_key=api_key)
# Example 1
lng, lat = d.address_to_lnglat(address='1 Panepistimiou Ave., Aglantzia, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus')
print(lng, lat)
# Example 2
lng, lat = d.address_to_lnglat(address='Perikleous 94, Nicosia',
bbox=[33.34597224, 35.13605854, 33.36261015, 35.14613025])
print(lng, lat)
# Example 3
data_geojson = d.address_to_lnglat(address='1 Panepistimiou Ave., Aglantzia, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus', geojson=True)
# Example 4
# using as example the csv file from:
d.geocode_excel(file_path='address-sample.xlsx', start_row=-1, end_row=20, address_column='address', bbox=None,
to_crs=None, export_file_name='test', export_file_type='csv')
# Example 5
d.geocode_excel(file_path='address-sample.xlsx', start_row=-1, end_row=20, address_column='address', bbox=None,
to_crs=None, export_file_name='test', export_file_type='geojson')
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.