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add Constructor record for more convenience
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fixup lovely changes made by Tim Engler to work with Constructor record
  • Loading branch information
MarcelineVQ committed Oct 7, 2020
1 parent 41e4a87 commit 60ae82f
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Showing 18 changed files with 347 additions and 214 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# literally just convenience

PKGNAME = elab-deriving

.PHONY: build

idris2 --install ${PKGNAME}.ipkg

idris2 --build ${PKGNAME}.ipkg

@${MAKE} -C tests only=$(only)

@find . -type f -name '*.ttc' -exec rm -f {} \;
@find . -type f -name '*.ttm' -exec rm -f {} \;
@find . -type f -name '*.ibc' -exec rm -f {} \;
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ Elab Deriving (bad name, pick better)

Very WIP!


This is a package for deriving implementations of common functions and interfaces in [Idris2]( It's intended to alleviate the tedium of writing your own instances, especially for things like newtypes which is just a whole lot of copypasting of wrapping.

It's pretty basic just now but so is elaborator reflection.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion elab-deriving.ipkg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package elab-deriving

authors = "MarcelineVQ"
version = ""
version = ""
readme = ""

homepage = ""
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions src/Language/Elab/Deriving/DecEq.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,16 +171,16 @@ decEqSameCon funName conName argInfos =

decEqDiffCon : (opname : Name) -> (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp) -> (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp) -> Elab Clause
decEqDiffCon op (cn1, ca1, ct1) (cn2, ca2, ct3) =
decEqDiffCon : (opname : Name) -> Constructor -> Constructor -> Elab Clause
decEqDiffCon op con1 con2 =
sym1 <- readableGenSym "a"
sym2 <- readableGenSym "b"
logMsg "decEqCA1" 1 (show ca1)
logMsg "decEqCA2" 1 (show ca2)
logMsg "decEqCA1" 1 (show con1.args)
logMsg "decEqCA2" 1 (show con1.args)
pat1 = makePat cn1 sym1 ca1
pat2 = makePat cn2 sym2 ca2
pat1 = makePat sym1 con1.args
pat2 = makePat sym2 con2.args
lhs = iVar op `iApp` pat1 `iApp` pat2
rhs = makeRhs sym1 sym2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ deriveDecEq vis decEqname = do
-- The components of our decEq-ing function
funclaim <- decEqClaim funn tyinfo Private -- NB private

traverse (\(cn,la,ct) =>
traverse (\con =>
logMsg "deriveDecEq" 1 $ "con name : " ++ show cn
logMsg "deriveDecEq" 1 $ "con list args: " ++ show la
logTerm "deriveDecEq" 1 "contype: " ct
logMsg "deriveDecEq" 1 $ "con name : " ++ show
logMsg "deriveDecEq" 1 $ "con list args: " ++ show con.args
logTerm "deriveDecEq" 1 "contype: " con.type
) tyinfo.cons

funSameClauses <- traverse (\(consName, argInfo, _) => decEqSameCon funn consName argInfo) tyinfo.cons
funSameClauses <- traverse (\con => decEqSameCon funn con.args) tyinfo.cons
let diffCons = filter (not . isSameCons) [ (a,b) | a <- tyinfo.cons, b <- tyinfo.cons ]
funDiffClauses <- traverse (uncurry $ decEqDiffCon funn) diffCons

Expand All @@ -263,6 +263,6 @@ deriveDecEq vis decEqname = do
declare [funclaim, objclaim]
declare [fundecl, objclause]
isSameCons : ((Name,b), (Name, b)) -> Bool
isSameCons ((n1,_),(n2,_)) = n1 == n2
isSameCons : (Constructor, Constructor) -> Bool
isSameCons (con1, con2) = ==

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Language/Elab/Deriving/Eq.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ eqClaim op tyinfo vis = do
-- NB: I can't think of a reason not to Inline here
pure $ iClaim MW vis [Inline] (mkTy op (addEqAutoImps params tysig))

eqCon : (opname : Name) -> (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp) -> Elab Clause
eqCon op (conname, args, contype) = do
let vars = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args
eqCon : (opname : Name) -> Constructor -> Elab Clause
eqCon op con = do
let vars = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) con.args
pats = makePatNames vars infVars
lhs = iVar op `iApp` (makePat conname (map (map fst) pats)) `iApp` (makePat conname (map (map snd) pats))
lhs = iVar op `iApp` (makePat (map (map fst) pats))
`iApp` (makePat (map (map snd) pats))
rhs = makeRhs (catMaybes pats)
logTerm "eqconlhs" 1 "" lhs
logTerm "eqconrhs" 1 "" rhs
pure $ patClause lhs rhs
-- Make our pat names, we use Just to flag the vars we want to use, we don't
-- compare indices since they're vacuously the same for the Eq interface.
-- It doesn't seem to matter if an index is M1 or not.
-- compare indices since they're vacuously the same for an Eq interface.
makePatNames : List ArgInfo
-> Stream String -> (List (Maybe (Name,Name)))
makePatNames [] vs = []
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Language/Elab/Deriving/Ord.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ compareClaim op tyinfo vis = do

compareClause : (opname : Name)
-> (Int, (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp))
-> (Int, (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp)) -> Elab Clause
compareClause op (i1,(conname1,args1,imp1)) (i2,(conname2,args2,imp2)) = do
let vars1 = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args1
let vars2 = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args2
-> (Int, Constructor)
-> (Int, Constructor) -> Elab Clause
compareClause op (i1,con1) (i2,con2) = do
let vars1 = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) con1.args
let vars2 = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) con2.args
let pats1 = makePatNames vars1 infVars "_1"
let pats2 = makePatNames vars2 infVars "_2"
let lhs = iVar op `iApp` (makePat conname1 pats1) `iApp` (makePat conname2 pats2)
let lhs = iVar op `iApp` (makePat pats1) `iApp` (makePat pats2)
let rhs = case compare i1 i2 of
LT => `(LT)
GT => `(GT)
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46 changes: 36 additions & 10 deletions src/Language/Elab/Deriving/Selectors.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,33 +46,59 @@ data Foo : Type where
Waf : Int -> Foo
(:::) : Bool -> Bool -> Foo -- not really doable with singular functions, is::: ?

select : TTImp -> Visibility -> (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp) -> Elab ()
select dty vis (conn,args,imp) = do
let n = mapName ("is" ++) conn -- isWaf
select : TTImp -> Visibility -> Constructor -> Elab ()
select dty vis con = do
let n = mapName ("is" ++) -- isWaf
c = iClaim MW vis [] $ mkTy n `( ~dty -> Bool)
expargs = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args
c1 = patClause (iVar n `iApp` foldl (\xs,_ => `(~xs _) ) (iVar conn) expargs)
expargs = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) con.args
c1 = patClause (iVar n `iApp` foldl (\xs,_ => `(~xs _) ) (iVar expargs)
catchall = patClause `(~(iVar n) _) `(False)
d = iDef n [c1,catchall]
declare [c,d]
pure ()

||| Derives a selector for any non-operator constructor
||| Simply because I'm not sure how to let you type the letters: e.g. is:::
deriveSelectors : Visibility -> Name -> Elab ()
deriveSelectors vis tn = do
ti <- makeTypeInfo tn
traverse_ (select ti.type vis) ti.cons
let cons' = filter (not . isOpName . name) ti.cons
traverse_ (select ti.type vis) cons'

fetchRoot : TTImp -> TTImp
fetchRoot (IApp _ y _) = fetchRoot y
fetchRoot ty = ty

isCon : Name -> Constructor -> Elab Clause
isCon cn con = ?isCon_rhs

-- This is kind of tough, we don't have a good way to say
-- isFooCon (:::) isFooCon Waf at the same type.
-- If we take a Name, e.g.:
-- isFooCon `{{(:::)}} isFooCon `{{Waf}}
-- We don't have a good way to enforce it's valid to use
-- adding Maybe is a bit too much work for the user to deal with
deriveIsCon : Visibility -> Name -> Elab ()
deriveIsCon vis cn = do
ti <- makeTypeInfo cn
let n = mapName (\n => "is" ++ n ++ "Con") -- isFooCon, need to get Foo from cn
let c = iClaim MW vis [] $ mkTy `{{Foo}} `( Name -> Bool)
let catchall = patClause `(~(iVar n) _) `(False)

defs <- traverse (isCon ti.cons
pure ()

%runElab deriveSelectors Private `{{Foo}}
-- %runElab deriveIsCon Private `{{Foo}}

foo1 : Foo -> Bool
foo1 x = isWaf x

foo2 : Foo -> Bool
foo2 x = isBif x

foo3 : Foo -> Bool
foo3 x = ?fsd -- is::: x not really gonna happen
-- ^ This is why a combined approach is probably best, e.g. isCon (:::) x

-- foo3 : Foo -> Bool
-- foo3 x = is::: x -- isn't generated
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Language/Elab/Deriving/Show.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ showClaim op tyinfo vis = do
-- NB: I can't think of a reason not to Inline here
pure $ iClaim MW vis [Inline] (mkTy op (addShowAutoImps varnames' tysig))

showCon : (opname : Name) -> (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp) -> Elab Clause
showCon op (conname, args, contype) = do
let varnames = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args
showCon : (opname : Name) -> Constructor -> Elab Clause
showCon op con = do
let varnames = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) con.args
lhsvars = map (show . name) varnames
rhsvars = map (\arg => if isUse0 (count arg)
then Nothing
else Just (show varnames
lhs = iVar op `iApp`
foldl (\tt,v => `(~(tt) ~(iBindVar v))) (iVar conname) lhsvars
foldl (\tt,v => `(~(tt) ~(iBindVar v))) (iVar lhsvars
rhs = foldl (\tt,v => `( ~(tt) ++ " " ++ ~(beShown v)))
(iPrimVal (Str !(showName conname))) rhsvars
(iPrimVal (Str !(showName rhsvars
pure $ patClause lhs rhs
beShown : Maybe String -> TTImp
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63 changes: 62 additions & 1 deletion src/Language/Elab/Syntax.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ mapName f (NS ns n) = (NS ns (mapName f n))
mapName f (DN n realn) = (DN (f n) realn)
-- mapName f (Nested ix n) = Nested ix (mapName f n)
-- mapName f (CaseBlock outer inner) = CaseBlock outer inner
-- mapName f (WithBlock outer inner) = WithBlock outer inner

extractNameStr : Name -> String
Expand All @@ -181,12 +182,20 @@ extractNameStr (MN x y) = x
extractNameStr (NS xs x) = extractNameStr x
extractNameStr (DN x _) = x

isOpChar : Char -> Bool
isOpChar c = c `elem` (unpack ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~")

isOpName : Name -> Bool
isOpName n = any isOpChar (unpack (extractNameStr n))

extractNameNo : Name -> Int
extractNameNo (MN _ i) = i
extractNameNo _ = 0

-- Change/remove this later, we really don't want to have it, or export it
-- Change/remove this later, we really don't want to export it and we currently
-- do due to the nature of needing to make things public for elaboration
implementation Eq Name where
(==) (UN x) (UN y) = x == y
Expand All @@ -204,6 +213,11 @@ isImplicitPi : PiInfo t -> Bool
isImplicitPi ImplicitArg = True
isImplicitPi _ = False

isAutoImplicitPi : PiInfo t -> Bool
isAutoImplicitPi AutoImplicit = True
isAutoImplicitPi _ = False

logDecls : String -> Nat -> String -> List Decl -> Elab ()
logDecls ty n s d = logTerm ty n s $ ILocal EmptyFC d `( () )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +255,8 @@ Show (PiInfo tt) where
show AutoImplicit = "AutoImplicit"
show (DefImplicit _) = "DefImplicit _"

-- Don't do this yourself, use Selectors :>
isUse0 : Count -> Bool
isUse0 M0 = True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,3 +289,48 @@ printInterfaceCon n = do
| _ => fail $ "showObject: error during " ++ nstr ++ " constructor lookup"
(_, objimp) <- lookupName icon
logTerm "printInterfaceCon" 1 (nstr ++ ": ") objimp

alterTT : (TTImp -> Maybe TTImp) -> TTImp -> TTImp
alterTT f tt = maybe tt id (f tt)

Eq FC where
(MkFC x1 y1 z1) == (MkFC x2 y2 z2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && z1 == z2
EmptyFC == EmptyFC = True
_ == _ = False

-- bleh, but if I can polish Eq enough to add the deriving to the compiler this can go away.
Eq TTImp where
(IVar x1 y1) == (IVar x2 y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2
(IPi x1 y1 z1 w1 argTy1 retTy1) == (IPi x2 y2 z2 w2 argTy2 retTy2) = ?holeEq_2
(ILam x1 y1 z1 w1 argTy1 lamTy1) == (ILam x2 y2 z2 w2 argTy2 lamTy2) = ?holeEq_3
(ILet x1 y1 z1 nTy1 nVal1 scope1) == (ILet x2 y2 z2 nTy2 nVal2 scope2) = ?holeEq_4
(ICase x1 y1 ty1 xs1) == (ICase x2 y2 ty2 xs2) = ?holeEq_5
(ILocal x1 xs1 y1) == (ILocal x2 xs2 y2) = ?holeEq_6
(IUpdate x1 xs1 y1) == (IUpdate x2 xs2 y2) = ?holeEq_7
(IApp x1 y1 z1) == (IApp x2 y2 z2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && z1 == z2
(IImplicitApp x1 y1 z1 w1) == (IImplicitApp x2 y2 z2 w2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && z1 == z2 && w1 == w2
(IWithApp x1 y1 z1) == (IWithApp x2 y2 z2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 && z1 == z2
(ISearch x1 depth1) == (ISearch x2 depth2) = x1 == x2 && depth1 == depth2
(IAlternative x1 y1 xs1) == (IAlternative x2 y2 xs2) = ?holeEq_12
(IRewrite x1 y1 z1) == (IRewrite x2 y2 z2) = ?holeEq_13
(IBindHere x1 y1 z1) == (IBindHere x2 y2 z2) = ?holeEq_14
(IBindVar x1 y1) == (IBindVar x2 y2) = ?holeEq_15
(IAs x1 y1 z1 w1) == (IAs x2 y2 z2 w2) = ?holeEq_16
(IMustUnify x1 y1 z1) == (IMustUnify x2 y2 z2) = ?holeEq_17
(IDelayed x1 y1 z1) == (IDelayed x2 y2 z2) = ?holeEq_18
(IDelay x1 y1) == (IDelay x2 y2) = ?holeEq_19
(IForce x1 y1) == (IForce x2 y2) = ?holeEq_20
(IQuote x1 y1) == (IQuote x2 y2) = ?holeEq_21
(IQuoteName x1 y1) == (IQuoteName x2 y2) = ?holeEq_22
(IQuoteDecl x1 y1) == (IQuoteDecl x2 y2) = ?holeEq_23
(IUnquote x1 y1) == (IUnquote x2 y2) = ?holeEq_24
(IPrimVal x1 c1) == (IPrimVal x2 c2) = ?holeEq_25
(IType x1) == (IType x2) = ?holeEq_26
(IHole x1 y1) == (IHole x2 y2) = ?holeEq_27
(Implicit x1 bindIfUnsolved1) == (Implicit x2 bindIfUnsolved2) = ?holeEq_28
(IWithUnambigNames x1 xs1 y1) == (IWithUnambigNames x2 xs2 y2) = ?holeEq_29
_ == _ = False

-- ||| target for mapping an exact given TTImp
-- target : TTImp -> (TTImp -> TTImp) -> TTImp -> TTImp
18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions src/Language/Elab/Types.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,14 +38,24 @@ logArgInfo n (MkArgInfo count piInfo name type isIndex) = do
logMsg "logArgInfo" n $ "MkArgInfo " ++ show count ++ " " ++ show piInfo ++ " " ++ showPrec App name
logTerm "logArgInfo" n "argimp: " type

-- Fully qualified Name
-- `type` is our fully applied type, e.g. given args a,b,c: Foo a b c
public export
record Constructor where
constructor MkConstructor
name : Name
args : List ArgInfo
type : TTImp

-- Fully qualified Name
-- `type` is our fully applied type, e.g. given args a,b,c: Foo a b c
public export
record TypeInfo where
constructor MkTypeInfo
name : Name
args : List ArgInfo
cons : List (Name, List ArgInfo, TTImp)
cons : List Constructor
type : TTImp

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,8 +83,7 @@ getConType qn = go (snd !(lookupName qn))
(xs,retTy1) <- go retTy0
let n1 = maybe !(genSym "arg") id n0
logMsg "getConType" 1 "compute"
let b = maybe False (`indexOf`retTy1) n0 -- TODO: ask why is "isType" in there???
--let b = not (isType argTy) && maybe False (`indexOf`retTy1) n0
let b = maybe False (`indexOf`retTy1) n0
pure $ (MkArgInfo c i n1 argTy b :: xs, retTy1)
go retTy = pure ([],retTy)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,7 +130,8 @@ makeTypeInfo n = do
logMsg "makeTypeInfo" 1 "I'm being computed"
let tyargs = filter (isExplicitPi . piInfo) args
ty = appTyCon (map (\arg => extractNameStr tyargs) tyname
pure $ MkTypeInfo tyname args (zip connames conlist) ty
pure $ MkTypeInfo tyname args
(zipWith (\x,(y,z) => MkConstructor x y z) connames conlist) ty

Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/Util.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ export
zipLS : List a -> Stream b -> List (a,b)
zipLS = zipWithLS MkPair

catMaybes : List (Maybe a) -> List a
catMaybes z = foldr (\m,f => maybe f (\x => (x ::) . f) m) id z []
-- provided by Data.List now
-- export
-- catMaybes : List (Maybe a) -> List a
-- catMaybes z = foldr (\m,f => maybe f (\x => (x ::) . f) m) id z []

unzip : List (a,b) -> (List a, List b)
Expand Down

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