Dies ist das Repository, für die Fachaufgabe von Ströer
"Fetch asynchronous data from an API".
Your task is to write a script or app, which gathers data from two endpoints asynchronously, merges the responses and displays them in any way, for example as JSON response from an REST API.
For example, you could use these two endpoints:
http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/1 to obtain a user's data
http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts?userId=1 to obtain all comments written by that user
Please submit your solution via GitHub and commit frequently.
If you find a straightforward solution for the 'problem', even better. We would like to see, what you achieve within 2 hours timeboxed and how you approach the challenge. If you have time left over, we are happy if you improve your solution in a direction that you think fits the challenge. We are looking forward to speak with you about your solution.
- asynchron
- json-verarbeiten
- lightweight