Suppose we have two interfaces which are identical except that one has a field the other does not.
public interface Interface1
public string Inter { get; set; }
public string Ignore { get; }
public interface Interface2
public string Inter { get; set; }
When creating a mapping config we would simply ignore this field as:
config.NewConfig<Interface1, Interface2>()
.Ignore(dest => dest.Ignore);
However this throws the error:
"System.ArgumentException : Incorrect number of arguments for constructor"
The only fix as far as i can tell is to explicitly map this property to something E.G:
string temp = null;
config.NewConfig<Interface1, Interface2>()
.Map(dest => dest.Ignore, src => temp);
Or to hardcode what class to use when this mapping pair is hit:
config.NewConfig<Interface1, Interface2>()
.ConstructUsing(src => new DerivedClass());
Both of these fixes are suboptimal, are there any other way to get around this issue?