Properties that contain capitalized abbreviations cannot also be mapped in the fluent API when mapping to a record #370
There are several properties in the Adverse record on the domain model that have abbreviations and are therefore capitalized (e.g. HDMAReasons.
) Regardless of the naming strategy Exact, IgnoreCase, Flexible etc.. Mapster will fail execute a custom mapping unless a Pascal case version of the property is passed in for the destination object. Using x => x.HDMAReasons causes the mapper to throw a configuration error saying that there is neither a mapping nor an Ignore for HdmaReasons.
Neither object being mapped has that casing. Example of the code that finally worked below.
config.MapDependentTo<Adverse, Domain.Adverse>()
.Map("HmdaReasons", src => src.HMDAReasons.Select(x => x.EnumValue))