Keylogger is a Python script which captures every keystroke. It logs in such a format so that it is easy to analyze and read from the log file.
• Used Python Language to build Keylogger.
• Used a listener function that listens to every key that is pressed
and calls the function add_key.
• add_key function pushes the key entered in an array. If entered key
is Enter, the text gets added in the log file with the help of function
• In write_file function:
➢ log.txt is first opened in which text will be added.
➢ The current timestamp is calculated using
➢ For every key present in the array, if the key is of special
type (eg. Enter, Tab, Space, etc.), then ‘<>’ is added to
indicate them in log file clearly, else key is added to the log file
as it is.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.